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What happens if there are technical problems during online hypnosis?

What happens if there are technical problems during online hypnosis?

Advantages of online hypnosis

Online hypnosis offers many advantages, such as flexibility and convenience. However, even in the best technical environment, there can occasionally be disruptions, be it due to disconnections or audio problems. This is nothing to worry about, as we have clear procedures in place to deal with such situations and will do our best to ensure your session runs smoothly. In this article, we explain how we deal with technical interruptions and what you can do in such cases.

Technical interruptions during online hypnosis

Even with a stable internet connection and well-functioning technology, technical problems can occur from time to time. Possible problems are:

  • Disconnections: the internet connection can suddenly drop out or become unstable, which can cause the video or audio to ‘freeze’, i.e. stop.
  • Audio problems: In rare cases, the audio connection may be disrupted, which means that my instructions cannot be heard clearly.
Such technical difficulties are rare, but not uncommon. The most important thing in such cases is to remain calm - we have clear safety mechanisms for these situations, which ensure that the session is either continued or terminated at a later time.

Safety mechanisms in the event of technical problems

In the event of a technical fault, we restore the connection as quickly as possible. This means that we will reconnect via the platform (e.g. Zoom). In the meantime, just stay calm and relaxed. It usually only takes a few minutes for the connection to be re-established.

In the event that the Wi-Fi connection cannot be restored immediately, we have set up an alternative communication channel. The session is then automatically switched to the mobile Internet connection. If this does not work either, which is very unlikely, you will receive contact details before the session so that we can exchange technical problems by phone or message. This way, we can quickly coordinate and either continue the session or, which has never happened before, reschedule it.

You don't have to worry about technical problems affecting the session. If a problem arises, we have everything we need to resume the meeting smoothly.

What to do in case of an interruption?

If there is a disconnection or other technical problem during hypnosis, you can do the following:

If the connection is suddenly interrupted, just sit or lie still and wait until I reconnect and you can hear me again. In most cases, it takes less than a minute for the connection to be re-established. During this time, you can continue to enjoy the relaxation you have already achieved.

If the connection is not re-established within a short time, you can contact me via the agreed alternative communication channel (e.g. telephone). We will then discuss how to proceed.

So you can rest assured: Even if the connection is briefly interrupted, you are completely safe, this is always our top priority.

Aftercare for technical problems

If technical difficulties persist during the session, there are various ways in which we can conclude the session:

If the problem is short-lived and the connection can be restored quickly, we will continue the session as usual. Your relaxation will not be disturbed and we will continue seamlessly from the point at which we had to interrupt the session.

If the technical difficulties cannot be resolved immediately, I will offer to resume the session at a later date. In this case, we will arrange a new appointment to ensure that you get the full time for your hypnosis.

This flexible aftercare ensures that you always receive the best possible care and support - regardless of whether there are any technical problems during the session.


Technical problems can also occur during an online hypnosis session, even if they are rare. However, thanks to clear safety mechanisms and alternative communication channels, we are well prepared to resolve such problems quickly and effectively. It is important that you remain calm and relaxed - in most cases, the session can continue without major interruptions. And if a problem persists for longer, I will offer to continue the session at a later date. Your safety and well-being are always at the centre of my attention.

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