Hypnosis for Inner Blockages
Release Blocks and Live Your Purpose
Hypnosis for inner blockages - Many people have blockages that make their lives difficult and even hinder them in many areas of their lives. Inner blocks affect our ability to think creatively and develop, often for years. Hypnosis makes it easier to overcome inner blocks and inhibitions. Hypnosis helps people to free themselves from everything in their lives that has prevented them from doing what they really want to do and finally living the life they truly desire. Hypnosis opens people's minds and allows them to discover new possibilities for action and perspectives, and makes change in a positive and desired direction a whole lot easier. In this article you can read more about how you can recognize inner blockages and how hypnosis has a positive effect on overcoming blockages.

Image: Hypnosis for Inner Blockages - Release Blocks and Live Your Purpose
Inner blockages - symptoms
How to recognize if you are blocked or inhibited internally
Internal blockages are not so different from external blockages. To understand inner blockages more easily, a look at outer physical blockages can be helpful. Both can be easily compared with each other. External blockages can be physical blockages, as everyone has experienced in the neck or back or any other part of the body. External blockages can cause pain and, in the worst case, restrict movements such as twisting or stretching in the affected area and even make them completely impossible.
It is similar with internal blockages. Even if we cannot see or touch them externally at first glance, internal blockages have a great impact on our thoughts and actions.
People who feel blocked or inhibited in their lives always feel they are performing below their potential. Sometimes fears play a role. Self-doubt or insecurity can also lead to not taking exactly the next step after all. The view into the future can show up as rather narrowed, often with the subliminal feeling that it should actually be different.
Internal blockages and inhibitions show up in people through different symptoms and reactions on a physical and psychological level:
It is similar with internal blockages. Even if we cannot see or touch them externally at first glance, internal blockages have a great impact on our thoughts and actions.
People who feel blocked or inhibited in their lives always feel they are performing below their potential. Sometimes fears play a role. Self-doubt or insecurity can also lead to not taking exactly the next step after all. The view into the future can show up as rather narrowed, often with the subliminal feeling that it should actually be different.
Internal blockages and inhibitions show up in people through different symptoms and reactions on a physical and psychological level:
Physical Symptoms
Most often there are physical symptoms of internal blockages such as inner restlessness, trembling to nausea. In acute moments may also appear sweating, increased pulse, stuttering, promises, the feeling of a lump in the throat. The body may react with sweaty hands, racing heart, palpitations, increased blood pressure, sweating, tension in the body. Not uncommon are tensions, headaches, backaches, gastrointestinal problems, abdominal pain. People who feel internally blocked often need great efforts for certain life situations, which can be accompanied by feelings of exhaustion.
Psychological Symptoms
Psychologically, inner blockages are manifested by feelings of insecurity, feelings of inadequacy, feelings of not being good enough, and self-doubt. Affected individuals often describe nervousness and negative (circling) thoughts, which can also lead to sleep problems. Listlessness, a sense of hopelessness and recurring destructive behavior patterns, can lead to anxiety and panic in acute situations and even blackouts in exam situations. Many of those affected withdraw and feel increasingly constricted in their situation. They a feeling of helplessness and have the impression that they cannot change anything in their situation.
Hypnosis for inner blockages
Dare to take the next step. There are good reasons why you started looking and discovered an option like hypnosis. Even if you still feel blocked now, this can be a good sign! A sign that something is not yet the way you want it to be deep inside. And this reaction, this feeling brings you further on your way. Have confidence in it. You have nothing to lose and much to gain. Let yourself go on the journey into your own inner world and allow yourself to throw the old overboard, to dissolve blockages and to become the "I" that you already are today deep inside.
Inner Blockages Self Test
Do I have inner mental blocks?
Read through the following points and answer the questions given there with 'Yes' or 'No'. If you can answer at least one question with 'Yes', this is a possible indication of an inner blockage. The more you answer 'Yes', the higher the probability that you are actually blocked internally. The following questions can be the first clues as to whether you are internally blocked:
Do you feel that you are blocked or inhibited in relationships with people in friendships or romantic relationships? -
Do you experience any of the following symptoms: insecurity, repetitive negative thoughts, constricting feelings in your chest, feelings of restlessness, sleep problems, physical tension, headaches or back pain? -
Are you afraid of not being able to show up as you actually are? -
Do you generally find it difficult to put plans into action or to pursue your goals? -
Do you have the impression that you withdraw or avoid certain situations? -
Do you find it difficult to make decisions for fear that it might be the wrong decision? -
Are there moments when you feel hopeless, sad, or exhausted? -
Do you react sensitively to criticism from others? -
Do you have difficulty communicating what you actually want because sometimes you don't know it yourself?
If you answered yes to one or more of these questions and feel blocked and inhibited inside, you should seek medical or therapeutic advice. It could be that you have internal blockages. Please note that questions are always provided, so it is possible that even people who are not affected by internal blockages may get a positive result. Not everyone who feels inhibited at times suffers from inner blockages.
Blockades facts
Inner blocks and avoidance
Inner blocks ensure that sufferers repeatedly experience negative thought patterns and destructive behaviors. Certain situations are avoided out of fear, which unfortunately does not mean that it feels better. Avoiding a situation usually only has a positive effect in the short term. In the very next moment, those affected suffer from their own guilt or condemn themselves for it, and in this way experience unpleasant symptoms afterwards that they actually wanted to avoid in the situation itself. Fear of insecurity and anxiety, nervousness, sweating and dizziness increase the anticipatory fear of a new unpleasant situation.
Situations in which inner blockages show themselves
The situations in which people feel blocked can be quite different. While for some people the feeling of being blocked and inhibited can already be prevalent in their private environment, for others it is the professional context. Since we are there in our everyday life, no matter if in our job or in our private environment with all our experiences and adventures, it is not surprising that blockades can show up in every life situation. People who feel blocked inside usually sense that something is wrong. What exactly is wrong is more difficult to name at first. Usually people are first looking to find out what is wrong with themselves. Reproaches, the feeling of not being good enough and of failing predominate and make it difficult to free oneself and to deal with life situations in a creative or playful new way.
Blockades among executives
The more difficult and stuck those affected feel in such moments, the greater the pressure to not fail. One example of inner blockages can be the fear of failure. Not infrequently, the fear becomes so great that people feel inhibited and blocked and can no longer access inner resources such as knowledge or inner security. In other words, they begin to stutter or lose the thread. One third of German executives suffer from fear of failure. 44% of them are young executives between the ages of 20 and 40. Inner blockages and pressure are by no means uncommon. It is true that whether people are prone to blockades also depends on their self-esteem, 40% of whose beneficial characteristics have been shown to depend on genetic factors. However, environmental influences account for around 60%. This means that everyone, no matter what gender they are, how old they are, what country they live in, or what social class they come from, can build up internal blocks if circumstances dictate. However, women are considered to be affected more often than men.
Inner blockages causes
How inner blockades arise
The cause of inner blockages lies predominantly in childhood and the early experiences that a young person has had within the family of origin and in the close social environment. Neurobiologists have found that in people who feel insecure, inhibited or blocked and would describe themselves with little room for maneuver, the fear center in the brain is particularly active. Fear is essential for survival to begin with, especially when we consider where we came from. For prehistoric humans, it was incredibly important to also be afraid so as not to run into the arms of the next saber-toothed tiger - but to protect themselves! Today, overpowering feelings of fear are obstructive and inhibit and block people from having positive experiences as well. They can block in so many different situations and phases of life. There are phases of life in which it becomes especially clear to people that you want to live in a different way more liberated and loosened, and let go of everything that is no longer needed. And it is then that the causes and effects of inner blockages become really conscious and clear to people, and thus often first noticeable. Sometimes it also takes longer for a person to find out that they want to live differently. Not infrequently, the body has been signaling for a much longer time with symptoms that it should no longer go on like this. Until the pressure of suffering is so great that we notice ourselves that it no longer feels right. And that is good! Because it holds potential for change and opportunities for the new phase of life.
Recent research says - change is possible at every stage of life
From recent research in neurobiology, we now know that the brain continues to develop throughout life. Learning also takes place into old age. Contrary to the earlier opinion that "You can't teach an old dog new tricks," today we assume that the brain is neuroplastic. This means that even language learning, changes and behavioral changes are possible up to a ripe old age. According to this, every time is exactly the right time for change and the ending of blockages.
Inner blockages consequences
What consequences can inner blockages have?
To better understand the impact and consequences of inner blockages, think back for a moment to the physical education classes of your school days. There are people who take a running start, don't give it a second thought and jump over a box. And there are people who already have thoughts running through their heads before they jump. Thoughts can become more and begin to trigger feelings in the body.
"What if I don't make it?", "What if I don't take enough of a run-up?", "What if I hurt myself.", "I could embarrass myself terribly."
Thoughts can make people, suddenly hesitate, slow down just before jumping, or not jump at all. Almost like a self-fulfilling prophecy, the body unconsciously reacts and performs the jump as the thoughts have previously shown him. It reacts appropriately to its own template and tries to overcome the obstacle more or less uncoordinated. If a foot gets stuck or the person jumps against instead of over the box, this can even hurt physically. But more than that, such an experience can have far-reaching effects on one's self-image, self-confidence, and confidence in one's own ability and creativity.
Destructive, obstructive thought patterns are reinforced and weaken self-esteem. Such a situation is not only the result of inner blockages, but can trigger further symptoms and lead to insecurity. Although the situation from the gym class may be an extreme case, it illustrates well what happens when a person blocks and approaches a situation in which they do not feel completely secure, both internally and externally immobile.
People who suffer from inner blockages describe in adulthood consequences that arise from it - the suffering pressure of those affected becomes greater, without them having to be aware of the reasons.
Summarize the consequences of inner blockages as follows:.
"What if I don't make it?", "What if I don't take enough of a run-up?", "What if I hurt myself.", "I could embarrass myself terribly."
Thoughts can make people, suddenly hesitate, slow down just before jumping, or not jump at all. Almost like a self-fulfilling prophecy, the body unconsciously reacts and performs the jump as the thoughts have previously shown him. It reacts appropriately to its own template and tries to overcome the obstacle more or less uncoordinated. If a foot gets stuck or the person jumps against instead of over the box, this can even hurt physically. But more than that, such an experience can have far-reaching effects on one's self-image, self-confidence, and confidence in one's own ability and creativity.
Destructive, obstructive thought patterns are reinforced and weaken self-esteem. Such a situation is not only the result of inner blockages, but can trigger further symptoms and lead to insecurity. Although the situation from the gym class may be an extreme case, it illustrates well what happens when a person blocks and approaches a situation in which they do not feel completely secure, both internally and externally immobile.
People who suffer from inner blockages describe in adulthood consequences that arise from it - the suffering pressure of those affected becomes greater, without them having to be aware of the reasons.
Summarize the consequences of inner blockages as follows:.
- Constant questioning of self - "What if I don't make it?", "What if I don't take enough of a running start?", "What if I hurt myself.", "I could embarrass myself terribly."
- Low self-confidence and frequent self-doubt.
- Depressed moods, depression, anxiety, and worry.
- Increased feelings of helplessness and insecurity may show up in personal and professional life: psychosocial, somatic and economic consequences.
- Problems in the professional environment, goals on the career ladder remain denied, up to loss of work.
- Increased risk through "self-therapy or self-medication" to feel more secure or self-confident in some.
Internal blockages: Consequential diseases
If people feel inwardly blocked and restricted in their scope of action, secondary diseases can develop. Those affected describe depressive moods, fears that can develop into panic attacks. Furthermore, the use of alcohol, drugs or medication should not be underestimated! Often concomitant diseases develop exactly through this attempt to compensate feelings of insecurity and self-doubt. The so-called self-therapy helps for a short time to suppress thoughts, to give oneself courage and to put aside fears or inhibitions and to overcome blockades for a moment and to feel safe.
Hypnosis treatment for blockages
Solve blockages and remove inhibitions with hypnosis.
Hypnosis treatment aims at finding the origin of inner blockages and gradually dissolving them. In essence, negative behavioral patterns are to be uncovered, dismantled and replaced by positive ones with the help of suggestions. How exactly this is done depends on the individual case and the experience that a person brings with them when they come to our hypnosis practice. Every person is different. Some blockages have existed for a lifetime and can be deep-seated and familiar. Often people do not even know what is causing these blockages. Sometimes it can be important for an understanding to know the causes. In our work, however, it is much more important to find out what new things should arise instead with the dissolution of the blockages. The state of trance in hypnosis is very suitable for finding answers for yourself.
Goal of hypnosis for inner blockages
We attach great importance to defining the goal or goals of the session together before the hypnosis itself, so that the hypnosis is really focused exactly on your needs. During hypnosis against inner blockages we support you to free yourself from inner blockages and to give you back a positive and free view on yourself and the world. People describe hope and the courage for change already after the first sessions. With the help of hypnosis you will find a way to let go of the old and overcome blocks and inhibitions. And we are always by your side, accompanying you so that you feel safely supported throughout the session.
More Information
Hypnosis Appointment Booking
The first hypnosis session usually lasts 120 minutes and includes getting to know each other, a detailed anamnesis and your first hypnosis.
After booking an appointment in the online calendar, you will receive detailed information about your hypnosis session by email and will receive the hypnosis e-book free of charge when you book the first session. Follow-up appointments usually last 90 - 120 minutes, depending on the current situation and the resulting needs.
You can find detailed information about the prices under Hypnosis Prices.
After booking an appointment in the online calendar, you will receive detailed information about your hypnosis session by email and will receive the hypnosis e-book free of charge when you book the first session. Follow-up appointments usually last 90 - 120 minutes, depending on the current situation and the resulting needs.
You can find detailed information about the prices under Hypnosis Prices.
Smaller topics and issues can sometimes be solved in one session. In particular, hypnosis for smoking cessation takes place in one intensive session. More complex issues that accompany people longer are treated in four sessions on average. Hypnotherapy is to be understood as a short therapy. There are also exceptions where I support clients over several years at their express request.
Usually clients come for a follow-up appointment at an interval of 1 to 4 weeks. I have had very good experiences with a session interval of 1 to 2 weeks. I would like to emphasize here that in my experience this depends on the topic and the client.
Under the following link you can select and book your appointment yourself in the online calendar: Make an Appointment.
You will receive an invoice for each session. This does NOT show any fee codes of the GebüH and does not contain any diagnoses. The session is to be paid privately at the end of the session in cash or with EC card. The practice does NOT bill public and private insurances.
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