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Hypnosis for Existential Crisis
Find Meaning and Purpose

Crises are part of the eternal cycle of life. Overcoming them means gaining new strength and knowledge and thus taking another step forward in personal development. This is exactly what is meant when psychologists, management consultants and sociologists talk about seeing the crisis as an opportunity. However, when we are in the midst of a existential crisis, we are usually unable to recognize this positive aspect of any crisis during your life. Instead, hopelessness spreads. It paralyzes action and keeps us trapped in the center of the crisis. Hypnosis Berlin helps you overcome this hopelessness and shows you ways out of the crisis.
Hypnosis for Existential Crisis - Find Meaning and Purpose
Image: Hypnosis for Existential Crisis - Find Meaning and Purpose

Existential Crisis symptoms

How to recognize an existential crisis

Possible signs of a existential crisis are individual and refer to psychological, psychosocial (social conditions of the respective culture) and also psychosomatic aspects that have a physical impact. In an acute existential crisis this has absolutely similarity with symptoms of depressions or the Burn out syndrome.

A existential crisis shows up in people through different symptoms and reactions on a physical and psychological level:

Physical Symptoms
In the life crisis there are physical symptoms such as palpitations, dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath, headaches, gastrointestinal problems such as stomach pain, weight loss due to loss of appetite, listlessness, sleep disturbances with difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep, irritability and aggressiveness. The body can react with feelings of anxiety and fears can increase to panic attacks.
Psychological Symptoms
On a psychological level, a life crisis is manifested by feelings of insecurity, mood swings, sadness, dejection to the point of irritability, negative circling of thoughts and brooding, concentration problems, fear of the future and loss, anxiety, questions about the meaning of life.
Affected persons describe in addition again and again a paralyzing feeling:
Joy and hopelessness, self-doubt and indecision to change something in the respective life situation.

Hypnosis treatments for life crisis

Every crisis has its opportunity. Hypnosis can help you to find out which chance it could be in your personal case. Do not get stuck, but use the moment and hypnosis to come out of the crisis strengthened and with hope.

existential crisis self-test

Am I in an existential crisis or life crisis?

The following questions may be the first clues as to whether you are experiencing a existential crisis:
  • 1

    Do you feel burned out, empty or powerless?
  • 2

    Are you experiencing one or more of the following symptoms: Racing heart, dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath, headaches, gastrointestinal problems, weight loss, listlessness, trouble sleeping, or mood swings?
  • 3

    Do you experience yourself as overwhelmed or lacking opportunities to properly relax and recharge your batteries at the moment?
  • 4

    Do you have the impression that your ability to perform and concentrate has decreased?
  • 5

    Do you experience yourself as depressed with depressed mood and increased worry about the future?
  • 6

    Do you have the impression that you are withdrawing or avoiding family and friends?
If you can answer yes to one or more of these questions and feel restricted in your daily life and living, you should seek medical or therapeutic advice. You may be experiencing a existential crisis. Please note that questions are always asked broadly, so it is possible that even people who are not in a existential crisis may receive a positive result. Not everyone who frequently worries about the future is in a existential crisis.

existential crisis facts

Life crises in science and psychology - when do crises occur?

According to psychoanalyst Erik H. Erikson, a person’s psychosocial development unfolds through a tension between his needs, desires and the demands of his social environment. Based on this observation, Erikson developed the “Stages of Psychosocial Development”, which describes eight life crises that every person should go through to fully develop their personality. These eight crises are:
  • Initiative vs. guilt (ages 3 to 5): "I am what I imagine myself to become."
  • Autonomy vs. shame and doubt (ages 1 to 3): "I am what I want."
  • Initiative vs. guilt (ages 3 to 5): "I am what I imagine myself to become."
  • Sense of accomplishment vs. sense of inferiority (age 6 to puberty): "I am what I learn."
  • I-identity vs. I-identity diffusion (adolescence): "I am what I am."
  • Intimacy and Solidarity vs. Isolation (early adulthood): "We are what we love."
  • Generativity vs. stagnation and self-absorption (adulthood): "I am what I am willing to give."
  • I-Integrity vs. Despair (mature adulthood): "I am what I have acquired."
Each of these eight stages has its own theme and confronts us with special tasks that can be mastered both positively and negatively. The aggravation of the respective theme always grows into a crisis. Only when we overcome this crisis do we climb to the next stage of development. No human being will be able to avoid this challenge. According to Erikson, the sequence is also irreversible.

existential crisis causes

How an existential crises or life crisis develops

A existential crisis always means that people question the life situation as it is and feel insecure in it. The crisis causes reflection and rethinking of what is known, which initially causes uncertainty. "Is this still what I want?", "Does this make me happy?", "Do I want to live as it is for the next 20 years?" - are questions that people typically ask themselves in a crisis and initially find no answers for themselves. This can be triggered by so-called life events: drastic or critical life events, i.e. special experiences that cause uncertainty. These can include the loss of a job or problems at work, a lack of promotion, a move to another city, conflicts in a relationship, separation, divorce, childlessness or miscarriage, starting a family, a death in a close environment or even a personal serious illness or that of a close relative. These events all have a painful development process in common and can take on forms of depression, anxiety or burnout. However, an existential crisis can also occur without a specific trigger. For example, as a result of a long development process or with increasing age. For many, this is known as a midlife crisis. It is important to mention that men as well as women can be affected by crises at different ages. Today, we assume a multifactorial event, which is why people experience such existential crises.

Existential crisis consequences

What are the consequences of untreated existential crises?

First of all, crises are a normal part of life and are not a disease. It requires coping strategies from an affected person to be able to deal with this crisis and overcome it. In some cases, however, such coping strategies are not sufficiently in place and people remain in a crisis-like state for a longer period of time, in which the pressure of suffering becomes greater and greater. In such a case, confidence and hope diminish, those affected feel helplessly at the mercy of others, and fears about the future can become greater and greater the longer the crisis lasts.

The consequences of an existential crisis include:
  • Joylessness and meaninglessness increase.
  • Those affected find themselves in a vicious circle of negative thoughts, hopelessness and despair.
  • Increasing difficulties arise in private and professional life: psychosocial, somatic and economic consequences.
  • Problems at work due to increasing inability to pay attention or concentrate - up to and including loss of work.
  • Avoidance behavior and social and emotional withdrawal from friendships and relationships.
  • Risk of developing depression or burnout syndrome increases.
  • Increased risk due to "self-therapy or self-medication" and ingestion of alcohol and/or drugs.
  • Physical symptoms increase more and more such as sleep disorders, loss of appetite, breathing difficulties or gastrointestinal complaints.

existential crisis and secondary conditions

In an existential crisis, great similarities to depressions or burnout become apparent and can also arise as a result of the crisis. If there are insufficient coping strategies and despair and hopelessness are growing, it may be important to seek professional support. To prevent crises that last longer than weeks from developing into depression or anxiety disorders.


Crisis in the middle of life

The term "midlife crisis" is often laughed at, because most people immediately have an image in their minds of someone who is affected by it - a middle-aged man with an expensive sports car and a much younger lover at his side. But today it is not quite so clichéd, because middle-aged women have now also been given a name for the crisis in this period of life: Cougar (translated) describes a love relationship between an older woman and a younger man. In this time there is a great need for reorientation, but people in this time little professional help or support reaches them because they are usually smiled at by their environment. A kind of reorientation is absolutely understandable in this time in middle age and is also part of a steady maturing process in the whole life. Just in the time of the middle age and we speak here in the time of 45 to 4550 years happen many of the so-called life events like the death of the own parents, the moving out of the children, in addition, first illnesses belong in this time. The aging process starts slowly and steadily in a natural way and shows the loss of youth more and more clearly. It should not be forgotten that many people reach the top of the career ladder during this time. This clearly raises questions such as the following:
  • What comes now?
  • What am I doing this for now?
  • How do I want to spend my lifetime from now on?
  • What gives me meaning in life today?
  • What makes me really happy today and what do I want more of in my life?
Even if the midlife crisis does not represent a diagnosis, it still shows how high the suffering pressure of those affected is and there is a risk of turning into depression.

existential crisis hypnosis treatment

Hypnosis and hypnotherapy will help you navigate through the crisis and discover solutions

Hypnosis can guide you children through this important phase of life and provide a firmer and more secure footing again. By getting in touch with your unconscious mind, you can ask yourself important questions and find answers that will make your journey through the crisis much easier.

Hypnosis can guide you with crises related to career choice, adaptation and separation

Of course, the crises you go through in your life are quite individual. They are not called intimacy or ego integrity. They may be called separation or reconciliation, study or work, children or being single. Whatever upsets you, plunges you into crisis and changes your life, it is your own world of experience. The psychological superstructure of an Erik H. Erikson only helps you and me to better understand what the deep need behind the action is. In hypnosis we can then experience exactly this need and find the right decisions.

Hypnosis treats crises caused by physical illness

The greatest crisis of a human being is illness. It can befall us in every year of our life and is not absent at the latest in old age. However, the crisis of illness is also subject to the eight stages. How we deal with the disease, which are its most difficult aspects and which psychosomatic parts are present, has a lot to do with the corresponding developmental stage on which the disease manifests itself. Hypnosis Berlin helps you in the disease and with the disease. Under hypnosis, we can significantly alleviate many medical conditions, cure some and help you deal with the particular challenges of illness and fear of death.

More Information

Hypnosis Appointment Booking

The first hypnosis session usually lasts 120 minutes and includes getting to know each other, a detailed anamnesis and your first hypnosis.
After booking an appointment in the online calendar, you will receive detailed information about your hypnosis session by email and will receive the hypnosis e-book free of charge when you book the first session. Follow-up appointments usually last 90 - 120 minutes, depending on the current situation and the resulting needs.
You can find detailed information about the prices under Hypnosis Prices.
Smaller topics and issues can sometimes be solved in one session. In particular, hypnosis for smoking cessation takes place in one intensive session. More complex issues that accompany people longer are treated in four sessions on average. Hypnotherapy is to be understood as a short therapy. There are also exceptions where I support clients over several years at their express request.
Usually clients come for a follow-up appointment at an interval of 1 to 4 weeks. I have had very good experiences with a session interval of 1 to 2 weeks. I would like to emphasize here that in my experience this depends on the topic and the client.
Under the following link you can select and book your appointment yourself in the online calendar: Make an Appointment.
You will receive an invoice for each session. This does NOT show any fee codes of the GebüH and does not contain any diagnoses. The session is to be paid privately at the end of the session in cash or with EC card. The practice does NOT bill public and private insurances.
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