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Hypnosis Berlin

Hypnosis for more Self-Confidence
Build and Strengthen your Self-Confidence

There are people who seem to be spoiled by success. People who succeed at everything, who are always in the right place at the right time, and who always achieve their goals. Others, on the other hand, experience one failure after another. What could be the reason for this? Is fate really so unfair - or is it perhaps in the eye of the beholder? Many questions. Hypnosis gives answers. Hypnosis helps with too little self-confidence and ensures that you find yourself and gain more self-assurance. Self-confidence, self-assurance and self-esteem, are for many people key to a successful and relaxed life. A self-determined life that you stand up for. Hypnosis strengthens self-confidence and helps and build confidence in yourself.
Hypnosis for more Self-Confidence - Build and Strengthen your Self-Confidence
Image: Hypnosis for more Self-Confidence - Build and Strengthen your Self-Confidence

When self-confidence is missing symptoms

How to recognize a lack of self-confidence and self-esteem

Lack of self-confidence manifests itself in various forms and can prevent many a path and advancement at work and in private life. People with low self-confidence find it difficult to accept compliments or reject them outright. This can also be observed in partnerships: Many of those, often feel taken advantage of by their partner or friends, as they put their own wishes aside. Those affected often look for substitute strategies such as buying nice clothes or other things to cover up the emptiness. In the process, success, self-confidence and a strengthened self-confidence arise in a completely different place.

Lack of self-confidence shows itself in people through different symptoms, reactions and behaviors:

Physical Symptoms
Physically, lack of self-confidence can show itself through frequent blushing, stuttering, sweaty palms, racing heart, palpitations, blood pressure rises, trembling and inner tension. These physical symptoms can escalate into anxiety and feelings of panic.
Psychological Symptoms
A lack of self-confidence shows itself psychologically through feelings of insecurity, dissatisfaction, avoidance strategies and often through inner circling of thoughts: Am I good enough? What do others think about me? Should I not have done it this way or that way? Affected people often describe that they do not dare to take certain steps in their life, to approach people or to fulfill what they wish for - out of fear that they would not deserve it or that they would not be entitled to it. Looking at fellow human beings, this often results in feelings of envy or jealousy, even followed by inner feelings of hatred.

Strengthen self-confidence and build trust

Being aware of yourself. That is self-awareness. Knowing yourself. This does not mean that you hopelessly overestimate yourself, but quite the opposite. If you are self-aware, you know your strengths and your weaknesses. Only in this way can you know exactly which tasks suit you, in which positions you can earn your spurs and which goals you can achieve well. After all, success necessarily involves knowing your own capabilities and their limits. This knowledge, this self-confidence will save you from failure and will direct your steps to where success and fulfillment are waiting for you - in your job and also in your private life. It is important to me that you gain more self-confidence with hypnosis and establish and strengthen a sense of confidence and security.

Confidence self-test

Do I Suffer from a Lack of Self-Confidence or Self-Awareness?

The following questions can be initial clues as to whether you are suffering from a lack of self-confidence and self-awareness:
  • 1

    Do you feel that you often bend over backwards for others just to get attention or to feel like you are liked?
  • 2

    Do you experience any of the following symptoms: increase in heart rate and palpitations, sweating, trembling, and dry mouth.
  • 3

    Are you afraid of not being good enough at your job or not deserving of your partner?
  • 4

    Do you experience intense feelings of anxiety when you are criticized by others or take other opinions as a personal attack?
  • 5

    Do you have the impression that you withdraw or avoid certain situations?
  • 6

    Do you feel envious or jealous when others succeed at something or do you then devalue yourself in the process? Do you compare yourself with others?
  • 7

    Do you find it difficult to make decisions for fear it might be the wrong decision?
If you can answer yes to any of these questions and feel limited in your daily life, you should seek therapeutic advice. You may have low or lacking self-esteem. Please note that questions are always asked broadly, so it is possible that even people who have self-confidence will get a positive result. Not everyone who is insecure at times suffers from a lack of self-confidence.

Self-confidence facts

In what situations can a lack of confidence present itself?

Lack of self-confidence often manifests itself in different ways. While there are people who are withdrawn and shy, on the other hand there are also people who react in exactly the opposite way: Demanding, aggressive, belligerent and loud. There are many nuances in between and just as people are different, a lack of self-confidence also shows up in different faces and situations. What can be observed are the commonalities: Wherever people come together and social relationships are involved, self-confidence also plays a role. For many, self-confidence becomes a real problem at work or in a partnership.

What gives people self-confidence

The following charts show that there are significant differences in what men or women draw self-confidence from and generate for themselves. A full 74% of the women surveyed in these polls state that they draw their self-confidence from popularity, 45% from the recognition of men. On the other hand, 82% of the women surveyed believe that their men generate their self-confidence through success at work.
74 %
of the women surveyed say that they draw their self-confidence from popularity.
45 %
of the women surveyed say that they draw their self-confidence from recognition by men.
82 %
of the women surveyed say that their husbands draw self-confidence from success at work.

Low self-esteem causes

Causes of low self-confidence and inferiority complexes - “I am not good enough.”

The cause of a lack of self-confidence and feelings of inferiority lies primarily in childhood and the early experiences that a young person has had within the family of origin and in the close social environment. Neurobiologists have found that in shy, insecure people who would describe themselves as having low self-esteem, the fear center in the brain is particularly active. Fear is essential for survival to begin with, especially when we consider where we came from. For prehistoric humans, it was incredibly important to also be afraid so as not to run into the arms of the next saber-toothed tiger - but to protect themselves! Today, overpowering feelings of fear are often a hindrance and prevent people from having positive experiences. Children develop a negative self-image quite early in infancy. If one follows the doctrine, the formation of self-esteem is mostly completed by the 5th year and in the years after that the fine-tuning follows. In addition, there is more recent research from neurobiology: We now know that the brain continues to develop throughout life. Learning also takes place into old age. Contrary to the earlier opinion that "you can't teach an old dog new tricks," we now believe that the brain is neuroplastic. This means that even language learning, changes and behavioral changes are possible up to a ripe old age.

Consequences of low self-esteem

What consequences can low self-esteem and inferiority complexes have?

Lack of self-confidence and feelings of inferiority can paralyze us and cause people to be less powerful and assertive at various moments in life. Fears and thoughts, recurring questions such as "am I good enough" lead to a negative thought spiral that makes us inflexible and prevents us from taking steps on the career ladder. In our private lives, too, a lack of self-confidence and feelings of inferiority lead to difficult relationship constellations and dynamics. Professional and private life can rarely be separated from each other. Insecurity can complicate in the way the life way for the own person and for fellow men - restrictions in the vocational career, insecurities and fears in the partnership can lead up to the separation.

The consequences of low-self esteem:
  • Decreasing self-confidence due to negative thought spirals that do not stop.
  • Depressive moods, the feeling of constantly having to bend over backwards and to please others, make and unfree constrict.
  • Increased feelings of helplessness and insecurity, but also anger and hatred can show up in private and professional life: psychosocial, somatic and economic consequences.
  • Problems in the professional environment, frustrations, because goals or professional positions are not achieved, up to loss of work.
  • Increased risk through "self-therapy or self-medication" to give oneself courage or "come down" in some moments.

Low self-esteem and secondary conditions

If one's own self-image is negative and self-confidence is greatly reduced, secondary illnesses can develop. Affected people describe depressive moods, fears that increase to panic attacks or even phobias such as social phobia. Furthermore, the use of alcohol, drugs or medication should not be underestimated! Often concomitant diseases arise exactly from this attempt to compensate feelings of inferiority. The so-called self-therapy helps for a short time to suppress thoughts, to give oneself courage and to get rid of fears or inhibitions.

Lack of self-confidence or social phobia?

Low self-esteem vs. social anxiety

Since lack of or low self-esteem manifests itself in different ways and is usually evident in social interactions and relationships, it is difficult at some points for a layperson to determine exactly whether social anxiety, i.e., social phobia, may not be present. If sufferers are unsure at that point, they can be assured that professionals and therapists can make a relatively quick assessment of what is present in an individual case. Hypnosis can be helpful in both cases to reduce fears.

For those affected, the pressure of suffering is high in both cases

Looking at low self-esteem and social phobia from the outside, it can be said that social phobia is one of the most common psychological disorders in the field of anxiety and goes one step further than a lack of or low self-esteem or shyness. Social phobia leaves sufferers with little ability to overcome fears and severely limits behavior and daily living. A social phobic person would not be seen in everyday life either - usually these people lead a very secluded life. In any case, it should be noted that a low or lack of self-esteem, feelings of inferiority and also shyness, if not treated, can spread further and from this, in addition to depression, a social phobia can develop, as already addressed under consequences of a lack of self-confidence. For those affected, the exact name makes no difference to their experience: For many, the level of suffering is high in both cases.

Building confidence with hypnosis

Build confidence in yourself

Hypnosis helps to build self-confidence and to achieve more inner security. In this way, everyday situations become more manageable and people become more resilient. This makes you stronger both internally and externally, and gives you more room to maneuver and more control over your own life. This ultimately has an impact on your life and your professional and social relationships.

Hypnosis helps you discover your strengths and change your perception of yourself

We are used to trying to fight our weaknesses. If we don't know something, we have to learn it; if we can't do something, we have to practice it. This attitude is absolutely right during our school years and studies. It is the only way to broaden our horizons. But in working life it is no longer about practicing. Here, it's about striving for goals that we can achieve. But what are they? Many people do not realize why you do not reach your goals and remain wishes, wishes. You can't stand your own limits and you can't recognize your abilities. In hypnosis you have the opportunity to look closely with the necessary distance and a loving and relaxed basic attitude. Here you can say goodbye to false ideas and unrealizable dreams and at the same time create new visions and goals that fit you well. Now you have a clear view of your strengths, regardless of what others have whispered to you. Were you really lazy or messy, as educators and teachers have claimed? Can you really not paint or do math, as you yourself always thought? Often it is precisely such beliefs that accompany us for a long time and can be abandoned and let go of long ago. Look around in the garden of your abilities and enjoy the wonders that you see here. Then, when you awaken from the trance a little later, feel the new power and energy that was released during the hypnosis. It is a bit like you have picked the most beautiful flowers in the garden of your abilities and brought them upstairs into the everyday life of your life. Now it can be easier to accept yourself and to recognize the opportunities and possibilities.

Becoming confident and overcoming inferiority complexes

Living in the right balance of tension and relaxation not only helps you to be fair to your family and friends. Hypnosis is a quick and effective help against stress - and works like an optimal resting place that leads you to more success professionally and privately. It is also an important prerequisite for you not only to be a "high-flyer" in your profession, but also to remain a "long-seller". Because a relaxed life is one of the most important prerequisites for health, and this is the prerequisite for success in private and professional life. Relaxation is the only correct answer to the burden of stress - tension. But how can this be done? With hypnosis it becomes quite simple and natural.

This is what hypnosis can have a positive effect on:
  • Performance improvement and better concentration
  • Recognition of one's own personality and self-worth
  • More self-confidence and self-assurance, less feelings of inferiority
  • Confidence
  • Inner security
  • Certainty
  • Optimistic view of the future - free of fear, carefree and carefree
  • Increase in general drive
  • Inner peace and balance

More Information

Hypnosis Appointment Booking

The first hypnosis session usually lasts 120 minutes and includes getting to know each other, a detailed anamnesis and your first hypnosis.
After booking an appointment in the online calendar, you will receive detailed information about your hypnosis session by email and will receive the hypnosis e-book free of charge when you book the first session. Follow-up appointments usually last 90 - 120 minutes, depending on the current situation and the resulting needs.
You can find detailed information about the prices under Hypnosis Prices.
Smaller topics and issues can sometimes be solved in one session. In particular, hypnosis for smoking cessation takes place in one intensive session. More complex issues that accompany people longer are treated in four sessions on average. Hypnotherapy is to be understood as a short therapy. There are also exceptions where I support clients over several years at their express request.
Usually clients come for a follow-up appointment at an interval of 1 to 4 weeks. I have had very good experiences with a session interval of 1 to 2 weeks. I would like to emphasize here that in my experience this depends on the topic and the client.
Under the following link you can select and book your appointment yourself in the online calendar: Make an Appointment.
You will receive an invoice for each session. This does NOT show any fee codes of the GebüH and does not contain any diagnoses. The session is to be paid privately at the end of the session in cash or with EC card. The practice does NOT bill public and private insurances.
You can find more questions and answers in the Hypnosis FAQ section - frequently asked questions about hypnosis.

Frequently asked Questions

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