Hypnosis for Stress
Effective Treatments to Calm Down
Living in the right balance of tension and relaxation not only helps you to be fair to your family and friends. Hypnosis is a quick and effective help against stress - and works like an optimal resting place that leads you to more success professionally and privately. It is also an important prerequisite for you not only to be a "high-flyer" in your profession, but also to remain a "long-seller". Because a relaxed life is one of the most important prerequisites for health, and this is the prerequisite for success in private and professional life. Relaxation is the only correct answer to the burden of stress - tension. But how can this be done? With hypnosis it becomes quite simple and natural.

Image: Hypnosis for Stress - Effective Treatments to Calm Down
Stress symptoms
How to recognize chronic stress
For many, stress and tension seem to be an insurmountable side effect of modern life. But is that really the case? More and more machines take the work off our hands and are supposed to make our lives easier, yet we have less and less time. Stress is becoming an everyday burden, both at work and in our private lives. Modern media often harm us more than they help us. Constant accessibility is putting many of us under increasing stress, and relaxation seems more and more impossible in view of the ever-blinking smartphones and tablets. What's more, while our daily work is becoming less physically demanding, it is so complex that our minds are becoming increasingly fatigued. This creates a paradox. A tired mind in a wide awake body. Something that was not intended by nature in this way at all.
Stress manifests itself in different forms and can produce a variety of clinical pictures and shows itself in people through different symptoms and reactions on a physical and psychological level:
Stress manifests itself in different forms and can produce a variety of clinical pictures and shows itself in people through different symptoms and reactions on a physical and psychological level:
Physical Symptoms
There are usually physical symptoms associated with prolonged stress, which can vary from person to person and can also be perceived differently: Heart and circulatory problems such as high blood pressure, dizziness and palpitations, fatigue, sleep disorders and sleep problems, physical tension, internal restlessness and nervousness, gastrointestinal disorders with constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, heartburn, loss of appetite or ravenous appetite, weight problems, stress headaches, neck pain, back and joint pain, hearing loss, teeth grinding, nail biting, sexual problems such as loss of libido, dry skin or allergies and irritation of the skin, even neurodermatitis and psoriasis can be aggravated by prolonged stress.
Acute and excessive stress can also show itself in so-called stress spots such as red skin areas in the upper chest, neck and face, rapid, shallow breathing, high blood pressure, stress sweating and finally also in stress eating to compensate or the increased grip on the cigarette.
Acute and excessive stress can also show itself in so-called stress spots such as red skin areas in the upper chest, neck and face, rapid, shallow breathing, high blood pressure, stress sweating and finally also in stress eating to compensate or the increased grip on the cigarette.
Psychological Symptoms
Psychologically, persistent stress can manifest itself as excessive demands. Affected people feel at the mercy of others without the possibility or strategy to change anything.They describe in addition again and again a paralyzing feeling:
worrying thoughts in view of the hopeless situation "I can't help it", listlessness and listlessness, irritability, quarrelsomeness, anger and aggression, increasing difficulties to concentrate. This condition can further increase to panic attacks, develop into burnout and exhaustion, or depression and be accompanied by high, psychological suffering.
worrying thoughts in view of the hopeless situation "I can't help it", listlessness and listlessness, irritability, quarrelsomeness, anger and aggression, increasing difficulties to concentrate. This condition can further increase to panic attacks, develop into burnout and exhaustion, or depression and be accompanied by high, psychological suffering.
Hypnosis treatments
My experience shows that people who suffer from stress often have high demands on themselves and their work. Many of them want to do their job particularly well and tend to lose themselves in it and overtax themselves over a long period of time, sometimes even unconsciously. In order to prevent this overtaxing due to persistent stress from developing into burnout or depression, or even leading to panic attacks, hypnosis can provide long-term inner balance and bring unconscious processes into consciousness and change them in a positive, helpful way.
Stress self-test
Do I suffer from chronic stress?
The following questions can be initial clues as to whether you are suffering from stress:
Do you feel tired, overwhelmed or powerless? -
Do you experience any of the following symptoms: increase in heart rate and palpitations, hot flashes, sweating, inner restlessness, lack of concentration, lack of energy, sleep problems? -
Do you find it hard to focus on things that once meant something to you and brought you joy? -
Do you experience feelings of stress in certain situations or activities? -
Do you experience yourself as stressed or do you lack the opportunities to relax properly at the moment? -
Do you feel that you are not getting the energy you need even through sleep? -
Do you have the impression that your ability to perform and concentrate has decreased?
If you can answer yes to one or more of these questions and feel restricted in your everyday life, you should seek medical or therapeutic advice. You may be experiencing chronic stress. Please note that questions are always asked broadly, so it is possible that people who are not affected by stress may get a positive result. Not everyone who has frequent hot flashes suffers from stress.
Stress facts
What is stress?
Extremely apt is the stress definition stress by Professor J. Carrobles (1991) of the University of Madrid:
"Stress is a state of sustained overactivation that a person experiences and perceives as excessive in various situations. It occurs in situations in which a subject has little control and social support resources available."
More specifically, the term stress is divided into negative stress or "distress" and the positive stress, also called "eustress". Distress ("dis-" = "altered, inadequate") describes pathological stress, when an extreme situation requires an altered response. Eustress ("eus-" = "appropriate, good"), on the other hand, describes appropriate stress, which can, however, also lead to distress if it is too little or too much.
"Stress is a state of sustained overactivation that a person experiences and perceives as excessive in various situations. It occurs in situations in which a subject has little control and social support resources available."
More specifically, the term stress is divided into negative stress or "distress" and the positive stress, also called "eustress". Distress ("dis-" = "altered, inadequate") describes pathological stress, when an extreme situation requires an altered response. Eustress ("eus-" = "appropriate, good"), on the other hand, describes appropriate stress, which can, however, also lead to distress if it is too little or too much.
Stress in Germany
The following study by Statista shows: more than 30% state that they would like to reduce their stress in everyday life, 26% state that they feel exhausted or burnt out, and a full 21% state that they cannot properly switch off in the evenings and on weekends. If you consider the dramatic nature of the secondary illnesses that can result from persistent stress, it becomes clear how important it is not to put up with inner turmoil for too long.
32 %
of respondents aged 18 and older said, "I would like to reduce my stress in everyday life.
of respondents aged 18 and older said, "I would like to reduce my stress in everyday life.
26 %
of respondents 18 and older say, "I feel exhausted or burned out."
of respondents 18 and older say, "I feel exhausted or burned out."
21 %
of respondents aged 18 and older say, "I can't really switch off in the evenings or at weekends."
of respondents aged 18 and older say, "I can't really switch off in the evenings or at weekends."
Source Statista:
Own illustration, data source: https://de.statista.com/ Question wording: Which of the following statements about stress apply to you personally? Statista Survey Burnout and Stress 2018, Published by Statista, Publication date January 2019, accessed 2020-10-27
Own illustration, data source: https://de.statista.com/ Question wording: Which of the following statements about stress apply to you personally? Statista Survey Burnout and Stress 2018, Published by Statista, Publication date January 2019, accessed 2020-10-27
Stress causes
Different factors and triggers for stress
The story of the tiger: We all know the story of the tiger that prowls through the forest and at the sight of which we feel stress. Today there are no more tigers, but the boss gets our blood pumping and because we can no longer run away, the adrenaline released causes permanent damage to us. This is more or less the popular origin story of stress and its negative consequences such as heart palpitations, exhaustion, pain. This example is very vivid, easy to understand and also true - in part. Because like any metaphor, this one lags a little behind reality. Of course, if the boss, the mother-in-law, or a red car coming from the wrong direction are equated with the tiger in our minds, then the stress reaction occurs in the body with all its negative consequences. Once this has happened, it is really very good to get rid of the adrenaline after work on the jogging track. But this only combats symptoms. Hypnosis Berlin finds the cause in you personally.
Stress consequences
This is how permanent or extreme stress affects everyday life
The longer negative stress persists and remains untreated, the greater the suffering and the excessive demands on those affected. Affected persons begin to react more and more and often feel helpless and at the mercy of others and unable to break the stress cycle.
Stress can paralyze and cause you to be less powerful than you know yourself to be at various moments in life. Concentration is diminished, focus wanes and performance becomes less. This often applies both professionally and personally and can rarely be separated. Extreme stress can make life more difficult for oneself as well as for others - limitations in one's professional career, quarrels with one's partner or even separation can be a consequence.
And this is understandable: Stress at work has an effect at home, too, because we continue to be polarized toward flight or fight, even when we get home. Even when our loved ones are waiting for us, beaming with joy. When the children regale us with the happy tales of their daily lives and our spouses want to go over the shopping list with us. It is at this point that many conflicts begin. Arguments arise and the stress that has built up at work is compounded in the family. Life loses its balance.
The consequences of high stress levels include:
Stress can paralyze and cause you to be less powerful than you know yourself to be at various moments in life. Concentration is diminished, focus wanes and performance becomes less. This often applies both professionally and personally and can rarely be separated. Extreme stress can make life more difficult for oneself as well as for others - limitations in one's professional career, quarrels with one's partner or even separation can be a consequence.
And this is understandable: Stress at work has an effect at home, too, because we continue to be polarized toward flight or fight, even when we get home. Even when our loved ones are waiting for us, beaming with joy. When the children regale us with the happy tales of their daily lives and our spouses want to go over the shopping list with us. It is at this point that many conflicts begin. Arguments arise and the stress that has built up at work is compounded in the family. Life loses its balance.
The consequences of high stress levels include:
- The sensory organs react sensitively to permanent stress: Typical consequences of persistent, extreme stress are tinnitus or even hearing loss.
- Effects on the cardiovascular system such as high blood pressure, palpitations or heart palpitations.
- Gastrointestinal complaints, even for diabetes stress is considered a risk factor, the immune system tends to be weakened, physical tension increases.
- Burnout and depression, decreased concentration and attention, sleep disturbances.
- Chronic stress can bring on panic attacks.
- Increased feelings of permanent stress and excessive demands can show in private and professional life: psychosocial, somatic and economic consequences.
- Problems in the professional environment up to loss of work due to a drop in performance and concentration difficulties.
- Increased risk through "self-therapy or self-medication" to "come down" often increased alcohol or drugs are consumed.
Stress and secondary conditions
Stress is not only negative. On the contrary, it is first of all a healthy reaction of our body to an external stimulus.
It can be a danger, but it can also be an opportunity to seize now. In either case, stress puts our body in a position to flee or fight. Pulse and blood pressure accelerate, breathing quickens, muscles tense, the mind becomes more focused, blood sugar and adrenaline are released. But in our normal day-to-day office life, nothing usually happens. Although our body is ready to perform at its best, we remain seated in our office chair and struggle with words, numbers and tables. Usually, relaxation sets in after a few minutes. Blood pressure drops, adrenaline levels return to normal, and our breathing becomes calm and steady again. But the more often the stress reaction occurs, the harder it is for the body to reverse the acute stress symptoms.
A negative cycle develops, of which those affected are often unaware for a long time. In the long term, this can result in a variety of physical and psychological secondary conditions such as burnout, depression or panic attacks.
A negative cycle develops, of which those affected are often unaware for a long time. In the long term, this can result in a variety of physical and psychological secondary conditions such as burnout, depression or panic attacks.
Perfectionist or workaholic?
There are different types of stress
A distinction is made between different types of stress. There is the so-called perfectionist or perfectionist. A perfectionist is someone who likes to get lost in countless small details instead of keeping the big picture in mind. What results is an overload from the many details that cause stress.
On the other hand, there is what is known as a workaholic. A workaholic hardly notices stress and the symptoms from it on a conscious level over a period of time, if at all. At the beginning, a workaholic also has a lot of joy, fun and also finds confirmation in the work. A workaholic likes to say yes to new tasks and has a hard time to say no. He puts his own needs at the back of his mind. Thereby he puts his own needs behind. A workaholic would like to please others and does not realize that he himself falls by the wayside and overtaxes himself. These people are therefore more prone to psychosomatic complaints. They have a high demand on themselves and want to do "it" well, whereby they get into unfavorable situations in private again and again, which additionally overstrain them because they let some other areas slide in private life.
On the other hand, there is what is known as a workaholic. A workaholic hardly notices stress and the symptoms from it on a conscious level over a period of time, if at all. At the beginning, a workaholic also has a lot of joy, fun and also finds confirmation in the work. A workaholic likes to say yes to new tasks and has a hard time to say no. He puts his own needs at the back of his mind. Thereby he puts his own needs behind. A workaholic would like to please others and does not realize that he himself falls by the wayside and overtaxes himself. These people are therefore more prone to psychosomatic complaints. They have a high demand on themselves and want to do "it" well, whereby they get into unfavorable situations in private again and again, which additionally overstrain them because they let some other areas slide in private life.
Stress hypnosis treatment
How hypnosis treats stress and chronic stress
Hypnosis is relaxation. As soon as you take a seat in my comfortable hypnosis chair, you will already notice how the tension eases. Your breath becomes calmer, your muscles relax. With my help you will enter a very pleasant trance state. A bit like sleeping, yet a very special state that makes you forget everything else. It is like a blueprint. A moment and a time just for you. Just getting into this calm is a true gift for people who suffer from the negative effects of stress. But hypnosis can do more. It leads you into your inner self, into your subconscious. There we can find out together what you need to relax better in everyday life. There we can identify the most important triggers for your stress and where you can get the help you need to take control of your life. Hypnosis shows you a path to inner - and thus also to outer freedom. Treat yourself to this path and live your life in the right balance of tension and relaxation - without negative stress. Especially if stress exists over a long period of time, it can develop into burnout and show itself in tangible exhaustion. Learn more about how hypnosis can help with burnout and exhaustion here.
Breaking through the stress cycles with hypnosis
Hypnosis helps to cope with the stresses of everyday life and to get the best out of yourself - professionally and privately. In doing so, hypnosis is an absolute resting place that immediately leads you into an absolute regenerating deep relaxation. For clients, a session often feels like a day-long relaxation or vacation that strengthens, makes you inwardly and mentally fit for life's challenges. At the same time, hypnosis offers the possibilities to go deeper and activate your inner resources. An absolute boost that multiplies your personal potential.
Hypnosis thus helps you to better deal with stressful situations, to maintain your boundaries and to better control emotions. In this way, everyday situations become easier to handle, you become more resilient which makes you stronger internally and externally - for more room to maneuver and more control for yourself and your life. This ultimately has an impact on your life and your family. Break the cycle of stress and find your way back to your own power and strength.
Hypnosis thus helps you to better deal with stressful situations, to maintain your boundaries and to better control emotions. In this way, everyday situations become easier to handle, you become more resilient which makes you stronger internally and externally - for more room to maneuver and more control for yourself and your life. This ultimately has an impact on your life and your family. Break the cycle of stress and find your way back to your own power and strength.
Hypnosis for effective stress management
Especially now, when work-life balance is a term that is on everyone's lips. We all think we know what this is all about. It also seems to be quite simple. We just have to find the "right" balance between work and family, between our own desires and the demands that life places on each of us every day. But what seems so self-evident is in reality at least as difficult. Because the stress of everyday life is high and the way to relaxation remains hidden from many of us and even often seems unattainable. Hypnosis helps you to overcome the cycle of stress and to find the right balance of tension, concentration and relaxation. This makes you more efficient and resilient, which makes you more successful in your job and has a positive effect on your relationships and your family. And ultimately positive for yourself and your health.
Hypnosis helps pave the way to physical and emotional balance
In deep relaxation you will not only experience a letting go and a soothing relaxation, here you will above all find an access to your inner self, your own self. Allow yourself to go this way and get to know your own inner helpers, your subconscious better. Because it is by no means inevitable that your boss or your mother-in-law have the effect of a tiger on you. Maybe they are both just mice or kittens and an old, deep-seated injury is distorting the picture. Hypnosis Berlin shows you the real tiger. Together with us you will recognize what really makes you nervous, what you are afraid of and where the stress actually comes from. The relaxation alone that comes with any hypnosis is a wonderful way to mitigate the effects of stress. But hypnosis takes care of much more. By identifying the cause together, finding out what really scares you, what inner compulsions lead you to do a certain thing, we have found the key to turn off your negative stress automatisms. With this help, you will recognize the mouse behind the boss and more importantly, you will recognize your own strength. Sometimes this is enough, sometimes not. It is not always possible to change a life situation that is causing illness through recognition alone. Sometimes it is important to change fundamental things in your life. This is not easy. Hypnosis Berlin helps you to set up your life so that you feel comfortable in it again.
More Information
Hypnosis Appointment Booking
The first hypnosis session usually lasts 120 minutes and includes getting to know each other, a detailed anamnesis and your first hypnosis.
After booking an appointment in the online calendar, you will receive detailed information about your hypnosis session by email and will receive the hypnosis e-book free of charge when you book the first session. Follow-up appointments usually last 90 - 120 minutes, depending on the current situation and the resulting needs.
You can find detailed information about the prices under Hypnosis Prices.
After booking an appointment in the online calendar, you will receive detailed information about your hypnosis session by email and will receive the hypnosis e-book free of charge when you book the first session. Follow-up appointments usually last 90 - 120 minutes, depending on the current situation and the resulting needs.
You can find detailed information about the prices under Hypnosis Prices.
Smaller topics and issues can sometimes be solved in one session. In particular, hypnosis for smoking cessation takes place in one intensive session. More complex issues that accompany people longer are treated in four sessions on average. Hypnotherapy is to be understood as a short therapy. There are also exceptions where I support clients over several years at their express request.
Usually clients come for a follow-up appointment at an interval of 1 to 4 weeks. I have had very good experiences with a session interval of 1 to 2 weeks. I would like to emphasize here that in my experience this depends on the topic and the client.
Under the following link you can select and book your appointment yourself in the online calendar: Make an Appointment.
You will receive an invoice for each session. This does NOT show any fee codes of the GebüH and does not contain any diagnoses. The session is to be paid privately at the end of the session in cash or with EC card. The practice does NOT bill public and private insurances.
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Hypnosis FAQ section - frequently asked questions about hypnosis.
Frequently asked Questions
How can I tell if I was in trance?
Many people who have experienced hypnosis and trance describe the state as one that is similar to the feeling just befo…
What are the advantages of Hypnosis Berlin?
These are the advantages of hypnotherapy at our Hypnosis Berlin Practice
The advantages of hypnosis are numerous. The…
How effective is hypnosis and are the effects long-lasting?
Is hypnosis effective in the long term or do the old behavior patterns come back?
Hypnosis is a highly effective treat…
How fast does hypnosis show its effects?
How quickly does hypnosis show an effect?
Hypnosis refers to communicating with the unconscious parts of the human bei…
You can find more information about hypnosis and our hypnotherapy sessions in the FAQ section and more specifics about the hypnotherapy procedure here.