Hypnosis for Pain
Free Yourself From Pain
People have been using hypnosis as an effective remedy for pain for thousands of years. It was the first anesthetic and is still used today for minor operations or dental treatments. Modern science has long since discovered how hypnosis works against pain. The decisive factor here is a value that physicians call the Cerebral State Index - CSI. It is a numerical value between 0 and 100 that can be determined in the EEG. The CSI is used to measure the depth of anesthesia, with a CSI of 100 to 80 indicating absolute wakefulness and a CSI between 60 and 40 indicating op-able anesthesia. During hypnosis, this CSI can be lowered to the anesthetic range. However, unlike anesthesia, the patient remains fully awake mentally. This means he is able to formulate thoughts and is aware of his environment, but without feeling pain. And this difference is what makes hypnosis effective against pain.
Image: Hypnosis for Pain - Free Yourself From Pain
Pain symptoms
How to recognize psychosomatic pain - somatic symptom disorders
Pain and symptoms are very diverse and can also be unclear in their nature for a long time. In this context, unclear means that they are persistent or recurring, usually chronic complaints for which no clear, organic causes could be found. Often, those affected have a long history of suffering behind them. They have consulted many doctors and undergone a whole series of examinations without finding a pathological, physical cause or an explanation for the complaints. The complaints can refer to one body region, to several or even change. In such cases, hypnosis leads to a noticeable improvement in one's own sensations and in dealing with the pain. Because here the focus is realigned - towards pain relief.
Psychosomatic pain manifests itself in people through different symptoms and reactions on a physical and psychological level:
Psychosomatic pain manifests itself in people through different symptoms and reactions on a physical and psychological level:
Physical Symptoms
Physically, the symptoms show up quite differently: headache or backache, pain in the chest, abdomen, dizziness, shortness of breath or pressure, feelings of tightness in the chest, gastrointestinal complaints (irritable stomach or intestine, irritable bladder, but also sexual disorders such as loss of libido.
Psychological Symptoms
Psychological symptoms also show up, as sufferers often describe depressions and depressed moods, worry, anxiety, and anxiety disorders.
An client treated for pain reports:
I was a pain patient looking for a long-term solution without a lot of medication and had high hopes that hypnosis could help me. At the beginning I was skeptical, but I really feel much better, I would not have thought! Ms. Buschinger is a very friendly and attentive therapist, during hypnosis I always felt very safe and in professional hands. She challenges you to reflect and to formulate and work out exactly what you want, this helped me. As a form of therapy very exciting and highly recommended.
Pain Self Test
Do I suffer from psychosomatic pain?
The following questions may be initial clues as to whether you are suffering from psychosomatic pain:
Do you experience single episodes of intense pain that can also start suddenly? -
When in pain, do you experience one or more of the following symptoms: headache, backache, chest pain, abdominal pain, dizziness, shortness of breath or pressure, chest tightness, gastrointestinal distress (irritable bowel syndrome or irritable stomach), irritable bladder, or even sexual dysfunction? -
Have you already consulted doctors without finding a pathological, physical cause or an explanation for the complaints? -
Are you worried or concerned about your future or afraid that the pain won't go away? -
Do you know someone in your family who is affected by pain? -
Do you have the impression that you withdraw or avoid certain situations? -
Do you experience moments of pain-free moments or moments when pain becomes less or more?
If you can answer yes to one or more of these questions and feel restricted in your everyday life, you should seek medical or therapeutic advice. You may have psychosomatic pain (somatoform pain disorder, severe, excruciating pain in a part of the body lasting at least 6 months without sufficient physical explanation). Please note that questions are always asked broadly, so it is possible that people who are not affected by chronic pain may receive a positive result. Not everyone who has frequent headaches suffers from a somatoform disorder.
Pain facts
Hypnosis is a scientifically approved medical treatment method for pain
The effectiveness of hypnosis for pain is considered well researched in medicine, but unfortunately is still used far too little. Hypnosis significantly improves the physical and mental well-being of chronic pain patients. The discomfort is alleviated and this can even lead to complete freedom from symptoms.
Pain in the Population - Germany and Europe
The following graphs in own presentation show high values: 69 % of the interviewed women suffered from migraine-type headaches in the last 3 months. 55 % of the respondents indicated back problems as the reason for their chronic pain. 12 % of respondents stated in 2012 that they had often experienced severe physical pain in the last 4 weeks.
68.5 %
of the women surveyed suffered from migraine-type headaches in the last 3 months.
of the women surveyed suffered from migraine-type headaches in the last 3 months.
55 %
of respondents cited back problems as the reason for their chronic pain.
of respondents cited back problems as the reason for their chronic pain.
11.81 %
of respondents in 2012 said they had often experienced severe physical pain in the past 4 weeks.
of respondents in 2012 said they had often experienced severe physical pain in the past 4 weeks.
Source Statista:
Own illustration, data source: https://de.statista.com/ Question/title: Three-month prevalence of headache among students in Germany by type of pain and gender in 2018, Sources ZIES; Schmerzklinik Kiel; BARMER, Survey by BARMER; ZIES; Schmerzklinik Kiel, Published by Schmerzklinik Kiel; ZIES; BARMER, Origin reference How many students suffer from headaches? Page 9, publication date November 2018, accessed 02.11.20
Own representation, data source: https://de.statista.com/ Question/title: proportion of the most common causes of chronic pain in Europe in 2010, Source(s) Expert(s); EFIC, Survey conducted by InSites Consulting, Survey name EFIC: Pain Proposal - Improving the Current and Future Management of Chronic Pain, Published by EFIC, Source reference EFIC: Pain Proposal 2010, Page 8, Publication date, September 2010, accessed 02.11.20
Own representation, data source: https://de.statista.com/ Question/title: In the past 4 weeks, how often did you experience severe physical pain? Source SOEP, Survey conducted by TNS Infratest, Name of survey Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) 2012, Published by DIW Berlin, Reference to origin SOEP - the Socio-Economic Panel, Publication date November 2013, accessed 02.11.20
Own illustration, data source: https://de.statista.com/ Question/title: Three-month prevalence of headache among students in Germany by type of pain and gender in 2018, Sources ZIES; Schmerzklinik Kiel; BARMER, Survey by BARMER; ZIES; Schmerzklinik Kiel, Published by Schmerzklinik Kiel; ZIES; BARMER, Origin reference How many students suffer from headaches? Page 9, publication date November 2018, accessed 02.11.20
Own representation, data source: https://de.statista.com/ Question/title: proportion of the most common causes of chronic pain in Europe in 2010, Source(s) Expert(s); EFIC, Survey conducted by InSites Consulting, Survey name EFIC: Pain Proposal - Improving the Current and Future Management of Chronic Pain, Published by EFIC, Source reference EFIC: Pain Proposal 2010, Page 8, Publication date, September 2010, accessed 02.11.20
Own representation, data source: https://de.statista.com/ Question/title: In the past 4 weeks, how often did you experience severe physical pain? Source SOEP, Survey conducted by TNS Infratest, Name of survey Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) 2012, Published by DIW Berlin, Reference to origin SOEP - the Socio-Economic Panel, Publication date November 2013, accessed 02.11.20
Pain causes
The Mind and Pain
Today we assume an interaction of body and soul. This means that if a person is in a bad state due to persistent pain or illness, this has an influence on our psyche and vice versa! If a person is mentally bad, such as anxiety or an overwhelming permanent stress, this also has an impact on our physical condition. Psychosomatics deals with this topic and examines the effects of psychological factors on complaints and symptoms. Not all illnesses for which no physical causes can be identified at first glance are caused solely by psychological factors. Nevertheless, it can be said that about 30% of patients with complaints do not find a permanent physical cause for their illness. It can be assumed that the psyche plays a major role in the development of symptoms and, above all, in their persistence. This can be summarized under the term somatoform disorders, which (as already listed above) can take on very different forms. In addition, it can be said that many physical illnesses and complaints have psychological causes. This is best shown in cardiovascular diseases such as pressure in the chest or heart stumbling or gastrointestinal problems. In addition, there is often the fear of suffering from a bad and unrecognized disease, which makes the visits to various doctors even more. Until the somatoform disorder is actually recognized, important years often pass for those affected with the search for answers, accompanied by a high level of suffering and great despair.
Pain consequences
What consequences can pain disorders have?
The longer a pain disorder persists and remains untreated, the greater the suffering of those affected. Confidence and hope decrease, those affected feel helplessly at the mercy of others, despair and hopelessness increase and often lead to depression.
The consequences of pain disorders include:
The consequences of pain disorders include:
- Severe restrictions in everyday life - affected persons often miss work for days.
- The increasing burden of pain can manifest itself in personal and professional life: psychosocial, somatic and economic consequences.
- Problems in the professional environment to difficulties in career and relationships.
- Significant behavioral changes due to avoidance behaviors because of the pain.
- Increased risk due to "self-therapy or self-medication" - risk of taking painkillers too often, which in turn can cause pain.
- Depressions and anxiety disorders can result.
- Insecurity and despair, as affected persons are sometimes not taken seriously in social and professional life.
Pain and secondary conditions
Pain can bring further secondary conditions, especially on a psychological level: Anxiety, dejection and also depressive mood can develop due to the restrictive situation and depressions, from which many affected people suffer considerably. It is also important to mention the increased risk of "self-therapy or self-medication". Because too frequent use of painkillers, can additionally lead to headaches and increase their frequency and also the intensity of the pain - a vicious circle is created!
Pain types
Hypnosis for different types of pain
Today we know that hypnosis has a great effect on the perception of pain. Hypnosis relieves pain and under certain conditions even leads to freedom from pain.
- When physical examinations are unable to find abnormalities, the following conditions might be involved:.
Hypochondriac disorder, phantom limb pain, abdominal pain, stomach complaints and intestinal complaints, (chronic) back pain, nerve pain, nerve inflammation, fibromyalgia, alternating physical pain, tension headaches, headaches. - Acute pain:
Pain reduction during childbirth and delivery, pain reduction during dental treatment, dentistry, dental treatments.
Acute pain is associated with injury or damage to tissue and subsides with healing. Acute pain includes dental treatment and childbirth, for example. In both cases, hypnosis provides relief. This is especially needed if anesthetics are not tolerated or if you are seeking a gentle, pain-free birth. - Hypnosis as a complementary therapy method:
Pain treatment for cancer - supportive and adjunctive, rheumatism, rheumatology and accompanying pain.
Psychosomatic Pain
When the psyche suffers, it has no organ of its own to externalize this suffering. It uses our body. The vernacular has known this for a long time. It speaks of things "hitting you in the stomach," "going to your heart or kidneys," or someone being "broken." Whereas in the past people who suffered from chronic pain with no apparent cause were usually considered "malingerers," today they are labeled "psychosomatic complaints." Quite a few patients, however, find this classification just as defamatory as the previous "malingering".
Yet psychosomatic pain is real pain - and causes real suffering!
Worse, psychosomatic pain can cause serious sequelae. These can include sequelae such as depression, spinal disorders, and especially disorders of the gastrointestinal complex due to excessive use of pain medications.
Psychosomatic pain is not imagined, but is experienced by sufferers as real, physical pain. This includes, for example, multiple, repeatedly occurring and also frequently changing physical symptoms. Most of those affected have gone through a whole odyssey of visits to the doctor with many examinations and sometimes inconclusive operations. The symptoms vary greatly. They can refer to any part of the body, sometimes remain limited to one area or change to different parts of the body.
Back Pain
Nearly half of all people in Western industrialized countries complain of persistent or recurrent back pain. It is one of the most common reasons for disability and early retirement. Many young people are also affected. Back pain is often caused by one-sided strain, poor posture or age-related wear and tear. Other possible causes include herniated discs, fractures or tumors. A particularly large factor in the development of back pain is our psyche, and in my experience it is the main reason why back pain becomes chronic. Hypnosis can help you with acute and chronic back pain. During your very first hypnosis session, you will experience the typical relaxation and relative freedom from pain that comes with a hypnotic trance. This provides relief and restores your confidence in your body. As the treatment progresses, you will learn relaxation techniques that you can use in your everyday life. In addition, hypnosis will familiarize you with the psychological background of your pain. Thus, step by step, you will uncover and resolve the causes of your back pain. In this way hypnosis will help you to a relaxed life without back pain.
Chronic Pain
Around six million people in Germany suffer from chronic pain.Those affected have a high level of suffering. Depression, difficulties in the family and at work, and even incapacity to work are not uncommon.
Typical triggers are:
Typical triggers are:
- Herniated disc
- Nervous disorders, nerve pain
- Rheumatism, osteoarthritis and osteoporosis
- Autoimmune diseases
But in many cases there is no identifiable physical cause for the pain. These people suffer particularly, because the pain is compounded by a lack of understanding on the part of those around them. Sometimes those affected are still labeled as malingerers, but more often they are told that they simply have to endure the pain. The consequences are depression, problems at work and in the family, sometimes even suicide. All this does not happen because doctors or nurses do not mean well with the patients. The reason why modern medicine does not deal well with unexplained pain is the nature of medicine. It tries, and often enough with very great success, to make the sick (broken) body well again. But if you do not know where the disease is, she is with her Latin - literally - at the end. Hypnosis Berlin has a different approach. Medical hypnotherapy acts on the interplay between body and soul. Here, the focus is not on which organ or body part is causing the pain, but on how the pain affects the life of the affected person. This leads to significant pain relief.
Chronic pain persists or recurs over a long period of time. Typical chronic pain includes back pain, seizure-like migraines, trigenimus neuralgia (facial pain), or nerve pain or inflammation that is defined as recurring for longer than 6 months. If organic causes for the pain can be diagnosed at all, there are two things: 1. the cause of the finding is often not correctable, for example, in degenerative diseases (regression, decay of tissue) 2. or the extent of the finding is not sufficient to explain the pain in its intensity. In both cases it is important for the affected person to find new possibilities for himself. Hypnosis Berlin helps to find a new way of dealing with the pain. It provides relief and regeneration for the organism. If the cause of the pain is found through hypnosis, the pain can even disappear again. IMPORTANT: The medical clarification and examination of a chronic pain are the basis of hypnotherapy and its prerequisite.
Chronic pain persists or recurs over a long period of time. Typical chronic pain includes back pain, seizure-like migraines, trigenimus neuralgia (facial pain), or nerve pain or inflammation that is defined as recurring for longer than 6 months. If organic causes for the pain can be diagnosed at all, there are two things: 1. the cause of the finding is often not correctable, for example, in degenerative diseases (regression, decay of tissue) 2. or the extent of the finding is not sufficient to explain the pain in its intensity. In both cases it is important for the affected person to find new possibilities for himself. Hypnosis Berlin helps to find a new way of dealing with the pain. It provides relief and regeneration for the organism. If the cause of the pain is found through hypnosis, the pain can even disappear again. IMPORTANT: The medical clarification and examination of a chronic pain are the basis of hypnotherapy and its prerequisite.
For Neuropathic Pain
Neuropathic pain is a special form of chronic pain, but should not be confused with it. It is caused by a malfunction or damage to the nerves, spinal cord or brain.
Typical triggers are:
Typical triggers are:
- Herniated disc
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Diabetes mellitus
- Shingles
- Operations
- Phantom limb pain
Typically, neuropathic pain is perceived as hypersensitivity to touch or cold. They become noticeable in the body as tingling and burning sensations. Although movements become painful, sufferers usually avoid them and atrophy of the affected muscles occurs.
This mixture of avoidance of touch and immobility not infrequently leads to social isolation and depression.
Pain Hypnosis Treatment
Pain relief through hypnosis
Hypnosis has a pain-relieving effect even where medication no longer helps. Why is this so? It is because pain is triggered or intensified by emotions. Anger or annoyance intensifies the focus on pain. As a result, the pain signals arriving in the brain and how they are processed become more prominent, slowing down other processes. Hypnosis can reverse this process. You learn to withdraw your perception from the pain and thus rob it of its energy.
That this is possible is shown by numerous medical and surgical interventions that have been and still are performed under hypnosis without anesthetics.
Pain can be influenced. Pain originates in the brain. Here, a stimulus triggered somewhere in the body is analyzed and located.
The emotional evaluation of this event also arises in our brain. Now it becomes apparent whether, for example, a touch is perceived as negative or positive. With hypnosis you can consciously control these unconscious reactions. You will learn to influence the intensity of your pain yourself and thus regain control over your life.
Once you have experienced this, once you have learned that you can influence your own perception of pain and thus control its intensity, this not only gives you hope. Above all, it gives you back the power over your body, your self-efficacy.
And you will also experience this power outside the hypnosis practice, because part of effective pain management is giving you the tools to regulate pain in your everyday life as well. This is how hypnosis helps you deal with pain in a sustainable way.
Forget the pain memory with hypnosis
Neuropathic pain is often pain from our pain memory. This refers to the ability of our nervous system to remember pain and recall it at a later time. A very striking example is phantom pain. Here, a part of the body hurts that is no longer there. It is much more common for pain to persist even after the cause has been successfully treated, as can happen after shingles, for example. Science has not yet fully deciphered how our pain memory works. But one thing is now clear. Pain memory is a result of "incorrect" pain processing circuitry in the spinal cord and brain. It's a bit like the nerves have programmed themselves for pain, which becomes more intense with each pain stimulus. However, thanks to neural plasticity, the nervous system can also forget again, which is where hypnosis comes in. It acts on the interfaces between nerves and brain, as described above, on a partially conscious level. As your brain relaxes you have the opportunity to consciously act on your pain memory, for example using keywords. It is a bit like reprogramming a wrongly programmed part of your body. Empty your pain memory and start anew into a pain-free future. Hypnosis helps you to do this.
Hypnosis helps with (psychosomatic) pain
Hypnosis Berlin helps with pain whose cause or intensity could not be fully clarified from a conventional medical point of view. Hypnosis also helps with acute pain, with pain whose organic cause is known and with psychosomatic pain. It is especially important to know that psychosomatic pain is not imaginary! They are very real body pains and they cause very real suffering! If Hypnosis Berlin succeeds in uncovering the psychological cause of the pain, then it happens time and again that the pain can be completely resolved and disappears just as it came: unconsciously and involuntarily. In hypnosis, the true causes of the pain are worked with. The unconscious part is given a voice so that it no longer has to communicate with you through the detour of your body. In many cases, this means that sufferers have to change something in their lives to overcome the pain. In hypnosis, people learn what inner forces are available to them to shape their life situation so that psychosomatic pain is no longer necessary.
More Information
Hypnosis Appointment Booking
The first hypnosis session usually lasts 120 minutes and includes getting to know each other, a detailed anamnesis and your first hypnosis.
After booking an appointment in the online calendar, you will receive detailed information about your hypnosis session by email and will receive the hypnosis e-book free of charge when you book the first session. Follow-up appointments usually last 90 - 120 minutes, depending on the current situation and the resulting needs.
You can find detailed information about the prices under Hypnosis Prices.
After booking an appointment in the online calendar, you will receive detailed information about your hypnosis session by email and will receive the hypnosis e-book free of charge when you book the first session. Follow-up appointments usually last 90 - 120 minutes, depending on the current situation and the resulting needs.
You can find detailed information about the prices under Hypnosis Prices.
Smaller topics and issues can sometimes be solved in one session. In particular, hypnosis for smoking cessation takes place in one intensive session. More complex issues that accompany people longer are treated in four sessions on average. Hypnotherapy is to be understood as a short therapy. There are also exceptions where I support clients over several years at their express request.
Usually clients come for a follow-up appointment at an interval of 1 to 4 weeks. I have had very good experiences with a session interval of 1 to 2 weeks. I would like to emphasize here that in my experience this depends on the topic and the client.
Under the following link you can select and book your appointment yourself in the online calendar: Make an Appointment.
You will receive an invoice for each session. This does NOT show any fee codes of the GebüH and does not contain any diagnoses. The session is to be paid privately at the end of the session in cash or with EC card. The practice does NOT bill public and private insurances.
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Hypnosis FAQ section - frequently asked questions about hypnosis.
Frequently asked Questions
How can I tell if I was in trance?
Many people who have experienced hypnosis and trance describe the state as one that is similar to the feeling just be...
What are the advantages of Hypnosis Berlin?
These are the advantages of hypnotherapy at our Hypnosis Berlin Practice
The advantages of hypnosis are numerous. T...
How effective is hypnosis and are the effects long-lasting?
Is hypnosis effective in the long term or do the old behavior patterns come back?
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How fast does hypnosis show its effects?
How quickly does hypnosis show an effect?
Hypnosis refers to communicating with the unconscious parts of the human b...
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