Hypnosis for Compulsions
Free yourself from compulsions and enjoy life again
Have you turned off the stove? Turned off the power to the iron? And why was your neighbor looking at you like that this morning? - If these and similar questions haunt you everywhere you go, then you may be suffering from obsessive thoughts, which can lead to obsessive-compulsive disorder. Hypnosis Berlin helps you out of the circle of obsessive thoughts, read and learn more about hypnosis for obsessive thoughts and compulsive actions here.
![Hypnosis for Compulsions - Free yourself from compulsions and enjoy life again](/component/ajax/?p=image&src=%7B%22file%22%3A%22images%2Fenglish%2Ftreatment%2Fcompulsion-hypnosis.jpg%22%2C%22thumbnail%22%3A%22900%2C%2C%22%7D&hash=f9ec6af2)
Image: Hypnosis for Compulsions - Free yourself from compulsions and enjoy life again
Compulsions symptoms
How to recognize obsessive-compulsive disorder
An obsessive-compulsive disorder can show up differently in affected persons, depending on what the compulsion refers to, whether it is purely in the plays out or passes over into an action. As a result, anxiety occurs, even panic attacks can occur and have a life-threatening effect for the affected person.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder is manifested in people by different symptoms and reactions at the physical and psychological level:
Obsessive-compulsive disorder is manifested in people by different symptoms and reactions at the physical and psychological level:
Physical Symptoms
Usually there are physical symptoms when obsessive thoughts or actions cannot be performed such as sweaty hands, racing heart, palpitations, the blood pressure rises, trembling, tension, sweating, sweating, strong tension in the body. Shallow breathing that can go as far as shortness of breath and feelings of suffocation. The body reacts with feelings of anxiety even though the situation is experienced as irrational on a conscious, rational level. This state can increase further to the point of a panic attack.
Psychological Symptoms
Although those affected understand obsessive thoughts as irrational, it is not possible for them to stop or turn them off. Rather, the attempt to stop obsessive thoughts leads to increased anxiety and restlessness, while at the same time the inner pressure increases, which the affected person can only with difficulty endure. A vicious circle, which can be accompanied by the following psychological symptoms: Repetitive and as uncontrollable experienced obsessive thoughts combined with a strong need to fight against the obsessive thoughts and to achieve relaxation. In a lighter form, a thought that refers to similar content over and over again is the so-called brooding compulsion. Compulsive action can neutralize obsessive thoughts and lead to the longed-for relaxation. In the long run, the inner resistance requires a lot of strength and energy. Affected persons describe a high inner pressure and inner restlessness and anxiety, which can increase to panic attacks. Affected persons are ashamed of the obsessive thoughts and their behavior. Often, other psychological disorders can be observed, such as depression and anxiety disorders.
Hypnosis against compulsions - obsessive thoughts and compulsive disorders
In obsessive-compulsive disorder, typical characteristics are the repetition of thoughts and/or compulsive actions, which are unwanted by the affected person and are experienced as nonsensical, irrational. Mostly compulsive thoughts occur together with compulsive actions, but compulsive thoughts can also occur without actions, often known in a lighter form as a brooding compulsion. For those affected, compulsions are associated with a high pressure to perform and there is a greater risk of developing depression or anxiety disorders if the obsessive-compulsive disorder is left untreated.
Compulsions self-test
Do I suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder?
The following questions may be the first clues as to whether you are suffering from obsessive thoughts:
Do you experience repetitive thoughts that are uncontrollable and make no sense to you or are irrational? -
Do you experience any of the following symptoms: increase in heart rate and palpitations, sweating, trembling, and dry mouth. -
Are you afraid of losing control or going crazy if you can't stop the thoughts or follow the action? -
Do you experience intense feelings of anxiety when you do not have the ability to re-control or re-relax through performed helping rituals or reassurance from fellow human beings? -
Do you have the impression that you withdraw or avoid certain situations? -
Does internal pressure increase if you do not perform certain actions again? -
Are you afraid that something bad will happen if you do not perform or interrupt an action?
If you can answer yes to one or more of these questions and feel restricted in your daily life and living, you should seek medical or therapeutic advice. You may have obsessive-compulsive disorder. Please note that questions are always asked broadly, so it is possible that people who are not affected by obsessive-compulsive disorder may get a positive result. Not everyone who frequently has the same thought and cannot turn it off suffers from an obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Constraints facts
Obsessive thoughts should not be underestimated
The Tibetans know the phenomenon as a disease of the Lung. This is one of the three Dynamic Principles. Lung stands for the air, the moving principle, which - out of balance - brings the person to restlessness, to frenzy or to the carousel of thoughts so well known to us Westerners. But what exactly are obsessive thoughts? When do "normal" worries become obsessive thoughts and behaviors? Here is an attempt at a definition: Those who suffer from obsessive thoughts are tormented by the same inner reproaches, questions or doubts which they themselves recognize as wrong or exaggerated, but which they nevertheless cannot stop. The obsessive thoughts usually appear as fears, as aggressions against oneself or others, as compulsive brooding or also as compulsive counting or more precisely the compulsive search for patterns, hidden messages, etc.
Typical forms of compulsion - What are the compulsive thoughts and actions (compulsions)?
- Obsessive thoughts can also occur without compulsive actions.
- Thoughts related to religion and magic such as "Does God really exist?"
- Thoughts related to violence such as "I might hurt my child" / "I might hurt my child."
- Thoughts related to dirt and contamination, disease such as the thought "I might have AIDS".
- Washing compulsion and cleaning compulsion
- Control compulsion
- Order compulsion
- Cleaning compulsion
- Counting compulsion and repetition compulsion
- Collection compulsion
- Mutilation/Destruction
Obsessive-compulsive disorders in Germany and the EU
The following graphs (presented in their own right) provide insight into the numbers of mental illnesses related to obsessive-compulsive disorder. An estimated 2.9 million people suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder in the EU in 2011. Among the most common mental illnesses in Germany in 2011, obsessive-compulsive disorder was cited by 4.2% of women and 3.5% of men. The third graph shows a section of the distribution of the main diagnoses in psychosomatic medicine in Germany in 2013, showing that anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders are listed in third place with 8%. Clicking on the source will take you to the respective statistics on statista.com.
2.9 Mio
Estimated number of cases of obsessive-compulsive disorder in the EU 2011
Estimated number of cases of obsessive-compulsive disorder in the EU 2011
4.2 %
Obsessive-compulsive disorders among women in Germany in 2011
Obsessive-compulsive disorders among women in Germany in 2011
8 %
Anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders in Germany in 2013
Anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders in Germany in 2013
Source Statista:
Own illustration, data source: https://de.statista.com/ Title: Estimated number of cases of mental illness in the EU 2011 in millions, Survey by ECNP, Published by ECNP, Publication date September 2011, accessed 2020/11/01
Own presentation, data source: https://de.statista.com/ Title: Most common mental illnesses in Germany by gender in 2011, Survey by Robert Koch Institute, Published by Focus, Proof of origin: Focus No. 25/2012, June 18, 2012, page 54, publication date June 2012, accessed 2020-11-01
Own illustration, data source: https://de.statista.com/ Title: Distribution of Main Diagnoses in Psychosomatics in Germany in 2013, Source reference BPtK - The Quality of Care in Psychiatry and Psychosomatics 2016, page 23, Survey by Federal Statistical Office, Published by BPtK, Publication date June 2016, accessed 2020-11-01
Own illustration, data source: https://de.statista.com/ Title: Estimated number of cases of mental illness in the EU 2011 in millions, Survey by ECNP, Published by ECNP, Publication date September 2011, accessed 2020/11/01
Own presentation, data source: https://de.statista.com/ Title: Most common mental illnesses in Germany by gender in 2011, Survey by Robert Koch Institute, Published by Focus, Proof of origin: Focus No. 25/2012, June 18, 2012, page 54, publication date June 2012, accessed 2020-11-01
Own illustration, data source: https://de.statista.com/ Title: Distribution of Main Diagnoses in Psychosomatics in Germany in 2013, Source reference BPtK - The Quality of Care in Psychiatry and Psychosomatics 2016, page 23, Survey by Federal Statistical Office, Published by BPtK, Publication date June 2016, accessed 2020-11-01
OCD and Compulsopns - causes
How compulsions develop
Today, we assume that there is an interaction of different risk factors for the development of obsessive-compulsive disorder. On the one hand, there is heredity: Researchers have found that there is an increased incidence of compulsions and anxieties in families. The risk of developing the disorder as a child increases if one parent is or was already affected by compulsions or anxieties. There are also neurobiological factors that play a role. Among other things, the neurotransmitter serotonin plays a role. Parenting styles are also an important factor in causing compulsions. When children are confronted with high levels of responsibility at an early age and mistakes are highly criticized, for example, this has an effect on the children. Thus, insecurity in children can lead them to react with an increased desire for security and to satisfy this in the performance of various rituals, from which compulsions and compulsive acts can arise. In the same way, certain events, so-called lifetime events, can play a role in the development of compulsions. These can include stressful and overwhelming events in life, such as drastic experiences in childhood and also in adulthood: such as separation from a life partner or the divorce of parents.
Obsessive thoughts consequences
What consequences can compulsions have?
Thought is the origin of our actions, so it is no wonder that obsessive thoughts can have a variety of negative consequences.
The longer obsessive thoughts persist and remain untreated, the greater the suffering of those affected. Confidence and hope decrease, sufferers feel helpless and at the mercy of their thoughts and actions.
The consequences of compulsive thoughts and actions include:
The longer obsessive thoughts persist and remain untreated, the greater the suffering of those affected. Confidence and hope decrease, sufferers feel helpless and at the mercy of their thoughts and actions.
The consequences of compulsive thoughts and actions include:
- Insomnia
- Concentration disorders
- Sexuality disorders
- Obsessive-compulsive behavior
- Anxiety and panic attacks
- Decreasing self-confidence due to repeated "failure" and following the compulsion.
- Increased feelings of helplessness and insecurity can show in private and professional life: psychosocial, somatic and economic consequences.
- Problems in the professional environment up to loss of work.
- Increased risk due to "self-therapy or self-medication" to calm down.
- Depression can be the result of persistent compulsions.
Compulsions and secondary conditions
Psychologically, obsessive thoughts and obsessive-compulsive disorders show themselves through a high level of stress, often combined with other anxieties. Very often it can be observed that affected persons feel shame about their thoughts and behavior and have the feeling not to be right and enough, because "normal" things are more and more difficult for them. They often show signs and symptoms of depression as a secondary illness and an increased consumption of addictive substances to calm themselves down. It can also be spoken here of "self-medication".
Compulsions hypnosis treatment
Treat compulsive thoughts and actions with hypnosis
"Just don't worry and sleep and then everything will be fine!" Have you heard this before? And, did it help? Of course it didn't. Nevertheless, we usually try the same way for years to cope with obsessive thoughts, without success. One of the reasons for this is that Western medicine has no affinity for this subject. For us, obsessive thoughts are not a "disease" and therefore no help is needed. In Eastern medicine, as I said, this is quite different. Here there are some ways to calm the mind and let go of the obsessive thoughts. Just recognizing your problems as a disease, or more accurately, as an imbalance in the dynamic principles of the human being, helps many of my clients deal with the problem better. In the case of obsessive thoughts, Far Eastern medicine has a number of herbs and healing foods to choose from that provide relief. Also our traditional medicine knows for example St. John's wort or valerian to calm down. But you can only achieve a lasting improvement in the situation if your thinking becomes free again. Because the opposite of obsessive thoughts are free thoughts - your own free thoughts. Hypnosis Berlin shows you the way.
Hypnosis for a new form of self-control
In compulsions, thoughts and behaviors in the pulse are so strong that sufferers feel they cannot suppress them. Knowing that they make no sense and are irrational. Affected persons recognize this, however, they do not feel able to interrupt the pulse in this situation. If they do, however, great fear often arises. Therefore, it is important in the work with hypnosis to increasingly experience an inner place of security and inner control, so that affected people no longer feel at the mercy and helpless. Self-control, however, is an important topic in which self-hypnosis is further consolidated and strengthened beyond the session in our practice. You can be sure that it is a great concern for us in our practice that you get the necessary tools to continue with self-hypnosis the process that is started in the hypnosis session independently at home.
Hypnosis reduces compulsions and relieves pressure
At the same time, hypnosis is used to show events and experiences that led to the current behavior. Compulsions and compulsive actions are interpreted as helpful and adequate action strategies for a time in the past. In addition, new relaxation images emerge, deep calm and security and control in daily situations help and are increasingly reduced.
Stopping thoughts in case of compulsions through hypnosis
During hypnosis, clients relearn how to deal with thoughts. A thought stop is learned in trance so that emerging impulses can be redirected. Furthermore, posthypnotic suggestions such as "Whenever you feel this feeling, become calm and stop your action" allow for new solution strategies in dealing with everyday life. Which posthypnotic suggestions these are in your case will be worked out together, so that learned methods from hypnosis really suit you and can be applied already at the first signs of the problem.
More Information
Hypnosis Appointment Booking
The first hypnosis session usually lasts 120 minutes and includes getting to know each other, a detailed anamnesis and your first hypnosis.
After booking an appointment in the online calendar, you will receive detailed information about your hypnosis session by email and will receive the hypnosis e-book free of charge when you book the first session. Follow-up appointments usually last 90 - 120 minutes, depending on the current situation and the resulting needs.
You can find detailed information about the prices under Hypnosis Prices.
After booking an appointment in the online calendar, you will receive detailed information about your hypnosis session by email and will receive the hypnosis e-book free of charge when you book the first session. Follow-up appointments usually last 90 - 120 minutes, depending on the current situation and the resulting needs.
You can find detailed information about the prices under Hypnosis Prices.
Smaller topics and issues can sometimes be solved in one session. In particular, hypnosis for smoking cessation takes place in one intensive session. More complex issues that accompany people longer are treated in four sessions on average. Hypnotherapy is to be understood as a short therapy. There are also exceptions where I support clients over several years at their express request.
Usually clients come for a follow-up appointment at an interval of 1 to 4 weeks. I have had very good experiences with a session interval of 1 to 2 weeks. I would like to emphasize here that in my experience this depends on the topic and the client.
Under the following link you can select and book your appointment yourself in the online calendar: Make an Appointment.
You will receive an invoice for each session. This does NOT show any fee codes of the GebüH and does not contain any diagnoses. The session is to be paid privately at the end of the session in cash or with EC card. The practice does NOT bill public and private insurances.
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