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Hypnosis Berlin

Hypnosis for the Fear of Dying
Release the Fear and Embrace Life

Fear of dying, fear of one's own death or that of a loved one, affects far more than just older people. No matter what age, how realistic or unrealistic the fears may seem, it can be important for life to deal with death and fears. But what about when fear seems to become overwhelming? When it paralyzes people and takes away the joy of life itself. Fear of death, can prevent people from living, and living truly and genuinely. Hypnotherapy can help to find a new way of dealing with it. Hypnosis helps to establish a new way of dealing with death for oneself, to overcome fears and to be in a new relationship with oneself and with life. To come to terms with oneself. Even and especially when dying is actually approaching. To live and die in peace. It is a subject with which we all come into contact at some point - death. But how can we dedicate ourselves to dying while we want to live? Hypnosis helps many people deal with illness and death more easily, alleviate physical and psychological suffering, and most importantly, live life! And living life, like dying, also concerns all of us - young and old, small and large alike. How is it possible to live in serenity despite the presence of our mortality? How do we find meaning in life and meaning in death? Since we will all be affected by dying, it is important to be well equipped to be there for ourselves and loved ones until the last moment. We help with different approaches and techniques that we bring together in hypnosis to deal with emotions and secrets, to resolve old conflicts and thus free ourselves.
Hypnosis for the Fear of Dying - Release the Fear and Embrace Life!
Image: Hypnosis for the Fear of Dying - Release the Fear and Embrace Life

Fear of dying and death symptoms

How to recognize the fear of death

Hypnosis helps overcome the fear of dying because almost everyone is afraid of dying - fear of death, and to a certain extent that is a good thing. This fear is an instinct of self-preservation that ensures that we accept life with both hands and protects us from danger. If the fear of death becomes overpowering, however, it does not protect life, then it prevents life. When the fear of death and dying becomes so overwhelming that the joy of life decreases and those affected suffer from it.
Extreme fear of losing loved ones and dying ourselves - even if we know it, we succeed most of the time to suppress and suppress this fact wonderfully. But then there are events that make it impossible for us to suppress. We stand in front of the grave of a loved one and the certainty comes like a bang: no one is spared. Hypnosis will help you come to terms with the thought of dying better. The agonizing fear of death, which makes you startle at night bathed in sweat, can completely disappear through hypnosis.

The fear of dying shows itself through different symptoms and body reactions on a physical and psychological level:
Physical Symptoms
On a physical level, fear often manifests itself through digestive problems, muscle tension in the neck and back and back pain. Sleep disturbances are also reported frequently, which in turn can lead to exhaustion during the day.
Psychological Symptoms
On a psychological level, the fear of death might be accompanied by ruminating thoughts and difficulty relaxing mentally. Anxiety can also increase: people may experience panic attacks, inner restlessness, feelings of dread and even develop anxiety disorders. Depression can also form as a secondary condition.

A client describes the fear of death

In retrospect, the fear of dying started much earlier. I think I was able to compensate for this fear very well for a long time. I did this through numerous medical examinations: I constantly checked with doctors to make sure that everything was really okay physically, and I looked for answers as to why I slept so poorly. Sometimes I had an here, sometimes there, sometimes a friend told me that her aunt had just died, which was reason enough to get rid of all my thoughts. The fear that I might have the same disease often kept me awake at night. At some point, even the medical examinations were no longer enough to make me feel safe again. In the end, I know today that there were other fears behind it. I can only say that at some point, the suffering caused by the fear was so high, and my joy in life was lost to such an extent, that I lacked the desire to even get up in the morning. At the same time, there was always the fear of not getting up in the morning at all. A cycle that got worse and worse!

Fear of death - self test

Do I suffer from an excessive fear of dying and death?

The following questions may be initial clues as to whether you suffer from an excessive fear of dying and death:
  • 1

    Do you experience episodes of intense fear that appear seemingly out of nowhere?
  • 2

    Do you experience any of the following symptoms: disturbed sleep, inner tension, restlessness or obsessive thoughts?
  • 3

    Are you afraid of becoming depressed and losing the joy in life?
  • 4

    Do you experience repetitive thoughts and worry about your own death or other people’s deaths constantly?
  • 5

    Do you have the impression that you are withdrawing socially?
If you can answer yes to any of these questions and feel restricted in your daily life, you should seek medical or therapeutic advice. You may have excessive fear of dying and death. Please note that questions are always asked broadly, so it is possible that people who are not affected by excessive fear may receive a positive result. Not everyone who has frequent sleep disturbances suffers from excessive fear of dying.

Fear of dying and death: facts

With the topics of death and dying, what becomes relevant is life itself

Above all, it becomes increasingly clear what is really valuable in life. This can be triggered by thoughts of one's own finiteness and impermanence, by illnesses or even the death of loved ones. Questions may arise about how people want to deal with their own lives - and their own deaths. How can people be supported in their own dying process, and how can we build a better relationship to the impermanence of life? Whatever process you go through after exploring these fears, it will bring you further in your personal development and allow you to build a more harmonious relationship with life and existence.

Some of most common questions include:
  • How do I deal with my life and with the fear of dying someday?
  • How do I deal with dying when my own death is approaching?
  • How can I support people who have been diagnosed with a terminal illness?
  • How can I stand by those who are dying and help them in their process of saying goodbye?

Our relationship to death and dying - statistics

25% of respondents of elderly respondents say that they are afraid of family members or friends dying. For 36% of respondents from all age groups, living a fulfilling life means that their fear of dying is reduced. 10% state that they cannot come to terms with dying.
25 %
of elderly Germans are afraid of the death of family members or friends.
36 %
of respondents say that if you live a fulfilling life, you are not afraid of dying.
10 %
of respondents say they cannot come to terms with death.

Fear of dying and death: causes

Causes of excessive fear of dying

The fear of not having lived the life you wanted preoccupies many people. "What would you do if you only had a year to live?" What is stimulating small talk for some causes existential fears for others. Death is a situation for which we can never prepare. And with the underlying fear, many different feelings can collide. There is the fear of dying, coupled with anger, sadness and despair. And unfortunately, some may develop illnesses, since the high levels of stress compromise our immune system and make us more vulnerable physically. Excessive fear of death can often be rooted in something that the affected person is unaware of. Although these roots tend to be tucked away in the subconscious, the cause can be uncovered and processed through hypnosis. Through hypnotherapy, one might even discover things that do not feel “right” in life at the moment - or what might be missing.

Illness as the Cause of Confrontation with Death

When terminal illness is diagnosed, it is a shock not only for those with the diagnosis, but also for the close friends and family of those who are approaching the dying process. End-of-life care and companionship is one of the most valuable services we can offer to our fellow human beings who are struggling to face their own death. However, it can be very challenging to be confronted with the death of family and loved ones. Hypnotherapy offers several effective (and often, deeply moving) methods for easing the pain and anxiety surrounding loss and death. Sadness and pain are a natural part of the grieving process, but it is our relationship to the emerging feelings that we can alter through hypnosis. In this way, when confronted with the death of parents or loved ones, the feelings of despair will lessen and other feelings and perspectives can emerge, including acceptance and peace.

Fear of death consequences

What consequences can excessive fear have?

The longer an excessive fear of dying and death persists and remains untreated, the greater the suffering of those affected becomes. Affected persons feel helpless, vulnerable and paralyzed by fear.

Some of the consequences that may arise include:
  • Increasing feelings of hopelessness
  • Psychosocial, physical and financial consequences
  • Work-related problems - unemployment, loss of the ability to work
  • Social withdrawal
  • Ruminating thoughts - worst-case scenarios are played out repeatedly
  • Increased mental and physical health risks through self-medicating

Fear of death and secondary conditions

Recurring thoughts surrounding the topic of death and dying can sometimes be confused with depression. Nonetheless, it is not uncommon for persistent, anxious thoughts to cause depression, sleep disturbances, feelings of exhaustion, burnout, gastrointestinal complaints, inner restlessness and increased tension. All of these symptoms make it difficult to relax and focus on what is important in life.

Fear of death or depression?

Anxious thoughts about death can be confused with depression

Recurring thoughts about death and dying can sometimes be confused with depression. And it is not uncommon for anxiety to develop into tangible depression that requires treatment.

Persistent thoughts about death can lead to depression

In the clinical field, depression or a depressive episode is said to occur when the following symptoms persist for at least 14 days: depressed mood, loss of interest and joy, decreased motivation,increased exhaustion (often even after small efforts), dejection, hopelessness, and even despair. There are a number of other symptoms that show up somatically (physically), which point to depression.

Fear of dying and death: hypnosis treatment

Treating the fear of death with hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy is a powerful and effective method for treating and relieving many forms of anxiety, including anxiety and fear surrounding the topic of death. Hypnotherapy can help to let go of the fear of death and to deal with the topic of death in a more peaceful way. In addition to the paralyzing fear of death, behind which there is often enough a fear of life, there are many other aspects to consider. The main focus in a therapeutic setting involves how to change our relationship with fear, impermanence and uncertainty. During hypnosis, vivid landscapes can be created within the subconscious, in which we confront and face our innermost fears from a different point of view. Already during the first session, you will most likely discover a soothing and peaceful feeling of calm. The tormenting carousel of thoughts may take a break. Through the relaxation, which is part of hypnosis, hypnotherapy provides profound support - especially at times when anxiety is high. But how does hypnotherapy treat the fear of dying? During hypnotic trance, you have the opportunity to look at your fear and anxiety from a distance - as an observer. You can look at all sides of this fear, even step into it to feel it, without the feeling completely dominating your mind and body. This ability, which you practice during the hypnosis session, remains with you outside of the hypnosis chair. Thus, you will face your fear of dying calmly and quietly, and you will notice how the fear of death withdraws itself from your life more and more. What remains is the desire to live.

Hypnotherapy strengthens basic trust in life

When confronted with the thought of death, we feel our own finiteness and impermanence. For many, dying also has something to do with a loss of control. But what can we do to bring the feeling of safety back into an uncertain experience? It is helpful to strengthen our basic trust in life. Hypnotherapy triggers many processes that help us release and let go of conscious and unconscious fears. When our basic trust is increased, fears are lessened, and we become much better at coping with the difficult themes of human existence, such as death. Through this therapeutic process, hypnotherapy will not only assist you in overcoming your fears - it can also strengthen your ability to assist others with their fears surrounding death. You can thereby more easily gather the energy and strength to care for a dying person

Working through fears consciously and subconsciously

The fear of death might also be related to past experiences and memories stored in the subconscious. The exact causes of intense fear might not be known to a client. Hypnotherapy helps to uncover and unravel the filters which suppress the beliefs we hold subconsciously. This process brings about significant shifts in the present and, most importantly, can be directed toward the future. Numerous studies prove the effectiveness of hypnotherapy, especially in the treatment of anxiety and fear.

More Information

Hypnosis Appointment Booking

The first hypnosis session usually lasts 120 minutes and includes getting to know each other, a detailed anamnesis and your first hypnosis.
After booking an appointment in the online calendar, you will receive detailed information about your hypnosis session by email and will receive the hypnosis e-book free of charge when you book the first session. Follow-up appointments usually last 90 - 120 minutes, depending on the current situation and the resulting needs.
You can find detailed information about the prices under Hypnosis Prices.
Smaller topics and issues can sometimes be solved in one session. In particular, hypnosis for smoking cessation takes place in one intensive session. More complex issues that accompany people longer are treated in four sessions on average. Hypnotherapy is to be understood as a short therapy. There are also exceptions where I support clients over several years at their express request.
Usually clients come for a follow-up appointment at an interval of 1 to 4 weeks. I have had very good experiences with a session interval of 1 to 2 weeks. I would like to emphasize here that in my experience this depends on the topic and the client.
Under the following link you can select and book your appointment yourself in the online calendar: Make an Appointment.
You will receive an invoice for each session. This does NOT show any fee codes of the GebüH and does not contain any diagnoses. The session is to be paid privately at the end of the session in cash or with EC card. The practice does NOT bill public and private insurances.
You can find more questions and answers in the Hypnosis FAQ section - frequently asked questions about hypnosis.

Frequently asked Questions

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