Hypnosis for Migraine
Find Relief with Hypnosis
Migraine is often described as a stabbing pain, a pain that pricks the soul. Migraine is a neurological disorder that is accompanied by severe, often unilateral headaches. The suffering, which is usually triggered by certain "triggers", can last between several hours and several days. About 15 percent of all Germans suffer from this disease, which has various manifestations. Typical symptoms are hemiplegic, pulsating pain, nausea, dizziness and, in one in three, the so-called aura. This is a brief episode of consuming perceptual sensations that usually precedes or accompanies the pain.
![Hypnosis for Migraine - Find Relief with Hypnosis](/templates/yootheme/cache/d2/migraene-hypnosis-d2370a80.jpeg)
Migraine symptoms
How to recognize a migraine attack
A migraine attack usually comes with a headache, sometimes also with nausea and even vomiting. Sufferers are sensitive to light and noise, and also to smells. The headache is usually severe and predominantly hemifacial, but can also go over the entire head with a pulsating or stabbing pain in the areas of the forehead, temples and eyes. If sufferers move, symptoms intensify, whereas with a tension headache, light exercise such as walking can be helpful for relieving the pain. The headache phase of the migraine attack can last from four hours to three days in adults if left untreated.
Migraines and headaches manifest in people through different symptoms and reactions on a physical and psychological level:
Migraines and headaches manifest in people through different symptoms and reactions on a physical and psychological level:
Physical Symptoms
Physically, symptoms of migraine manifest themselves with a predominantly hemiplegic, pulsating, stabbing pain, which can also go over the entire head. The forehead, temples and the eye areas are affected. Sufferers report nausea, loss of appetite, dizziness, vomiting, sensitivity to light, brightness, sounds and/or smells. They describe an attack-like occurrence in periods. The duration of a migraine attack can range from 4 hours to 3 days if untreated. Rest and darkness provide relief in an acute moment. Migraine takes a lot of strength and energy and can severely restrict sufferers in their daily lives, both privately and professionally.
Psychological Symptoms
Psychologically, migraine often manifests itself with so-called announcement symptoms (also called prodromes) hours or even one to two days beforehand: Those affected describe mood swings, difficulty concentrating, a certain restlessness and irritability, accompanied by a certain restlessness.
Warning Indications of an Impending Migraine Attack
Migraine headache often appears before a migraine attack. Those affected describe this precursor phase, which is also called the prodromal phase, both with and without migraine aura.
- Migraine precursors WITHOUT aura
The migraine headache can announce itself also without aura already from some hours to two days before. Harbingers of a migraine attack without aura can be:
Fatigue and yawning, indifference, cravings for certain foods, irritability and mood swings, disturbances in concentration, increased sensitivity to light and noise. - Migraine precursors WITH aura
Migraine with aura may be accompanied by additional symptoms such as the following:
Visual disturbances, visual field loss, sensory disturbances (e.g., tingling in the hands or feet), paralysis, speech disturbances, misperceptions of sounds, tastes, or smells, and even sensory disturbances (arms, legs).
Hypnosis for migraine
Hypnosis is a very effective tool for pain conditions of all kinds. From hypnosis at the dentist to hypnosis as a support for cancer therapy, hypnosis helps with chronic and acute pain conditions. Even the pain of the soul can be reliably treated by hypnosis. For example, hypnosis helps just as with love pain and separation pain as well as with depression.
Migraine self-test
Am I experiencing migraines?
The following questions can be the first clues as to whether you suffer from migraines:
Do you experience single episodes of intense headache that may start suddenly? -
When you experience a headache, do you experience one or more of the following symptoms: predominantly hemiplegic, pulsating pain, nausea, loss of appetite, dizziness, vomiting, sensitivity to light, brightness, sounds and/or smells? -
Do you worry or worry about how you will feel the next time you have a headache? -
Do you know anyone in your family who is affected by migraine attacks? -
Do you have the impression that you withdraw or avoid certain situations? -
Do you have the impression that the pain gets worse with movements or physical exertion?
If you can answer yes to one or more of these questions and feel restricted in your daily life, you should seek medical or therapeutic advice. You may have migraine. Please note that questions are always asked broadly, so it is possible that people who are not affected by migraine attacks may also get a positive result. Not everyone who has frequent headaches suffers from migraine.
Migraine facts
Hypnosis for pain relief is scientifically proven
During a meta-analysis by the University of Tübingen, the effectiveness of hypnosis was summarized in 11 studies on different disorder areas, including migraine. The long-term effects of treatment were examined using catamnesis data. Both short-term and long-term hypnotic treatments were found to have significant, positive effects. The acute efficacy of hypnosis for severe migraine headaches was also demonstrated by the study. The University of Jena also investigated the effectiveness of hypnotherapy for migraine and other pain conditions. In the process, psychologists at the university found that during hypnosis, pain processing in the brain is blocked. In addition, hypnosis also affects the psychological triggers of migraine. During the trance, the patient has a direct connection to his subconscious mind. This gives him the opportunity to recognize the causes of the pain and especially to identify and dissolve the "triggers".
- About the meta-analysis of the University of Tübingen - Effectiveness of Hypnotherapy
- About the expertise of the University of Jena - Scientific evidence of the psychotherapy procedure hypnotherapy
Migraine and pain types
These are interesting numbers that show that migraines are widespread! The following graphs in own presentation indicate that 66 % of the interviewed women suffered from migraine type headaches in the last 3 months. Among men, however, it was slightly less: 52% of the men surveyed suffered from migraine-type headaches in the last 3 months. 25% of respondents (both sexes) who suffered from headaches at least once a month stated that their headaches were migraines.
68.5 %
of the women surveyed suffered from migraine-type headaches in the last 3 months.
of the women surveyed suffered from migraine-type headaches in the last 3 months.
51.8 %
of the men surveyed suffered from migraine-type headaches in the last 3 months.
of the men surveyed suffered from migraine-type headaches in the last 3 months.
25 %
of respondents (both sexes) who suffered from headaches at least once a month said their headaches were migraines.
of respondents (both sexes) who suffered from headaches at least once a month said their headaches were migraines.
Source Statista:
Own illustration, data source: https://de.statista.com/ Question/title: Three-month prevalence of headache among students in Germany by type of pain and gender in 2018, Sources ZIES; Schmerzklinik Kiel; BARMER, Survey by BARMER; ZIES; Schmerzklinik Kiel, Published by Schmerzklinik Kiel; ZIES; BARMER, Origin reference How many students suffer from headaches?, Page 9, Publication date November 2018, accessed 02/11/20
Own representation, data source: https://de.statista.com/ Question/Title: Are your headaches migraines? Source Statista survey, Survey conducted by Statista, Name of survey Statista survey Popular ailments & OTC 2017, Published by Statista, Origin reference Statista survey Popular ailments & OTC 2017, Publication date January 2017, accessed 02.11.20
Own illustration, data source: https://de.statista.com/ Question/title: Three-month prevalence of headache among students in Germany by type of pain and gender in 2018, Sources ZIES; Schmerzklinik Kiel; BARMER, Survey by BARMER; ZIES; Schmerzklinik Kiel, Published by Schmerzklinik Kiel; ZIES; BARMER, Origin reference How many students suffer from headaches?, Page 9, Publication date November 2018, accessed 02/11/20
Own representation, data source: https://de.statista.com/ Question/Title: Are your headaches migraines? Source Statista survey, Survey conducted by Statista, Name of survey Statista survey Popular ailments & OTC 2017, Published by Statista, Origin reference Statista survey Popular ailments & OTC 2017, Publication date January 2017, accessed 02.11.20
Migraine causes
Causes of migraine and migraine attacks
Conventional medicine is still not really decided what causes migraine. So far, there are mainly a number of different theories as to how these bad headaches develop. For example, observations and studies have shown that the condition occurs more frequently in family groups, which suggests a genetic disposition. In addition, inflammatory substances seem to be released in the brain during a migraine attack, which should lead to fluid accumulation and vasodilatation. Of course, there are also various substances that can trigger a migraine attack. These include alcohol and caffeine. But certain psychological conditions are also blamed for causing migraine attacks. Hypnotherapy is less about finding the causes of an illness than about curing the illness as a whole. Especially in the field of headaches and migraines, hypnotherapy has many successes to report. Because even if migraine does not seem to be solely psychosomatically justifiable, there are strong interactions: The psyche has a great influence on the physical experience and the effects of a disease in terms of frequency, course of migraine attacks.
Triggers for migraine attacks
There are different triggers for migraine attacks. Below you will find a small excerpt of typical causes of migraine attacks:
- stress, but most importantly, changing stress levels
- Sleep deprivation
- Irregular biorhythm and daily routine
- Menstruation, as a reaction to stress of the body due to pain or psychological tension
- Weekend migraine, which usually occurs during a relaxation period after a stressful period
- Too little fluid intake, dehydration
- Certain medications
- Muscle tension in the neck, shoulder and head area
- Factors due to certain foods such as alcohol, caffeine withdrawal, foods high in tyramine and histamine, glutamate
- Flashing or flickering lights
- Stimulus overload from watching too much television. Reading can also be stimulus overload
- Nicotine, both active and passive smoking
- Extreme physical stress
Migraine consequences
What are some of the consequences of migraine attacks?
The longer migraine lasts and remains untreated, the greater the suffering of those affected. Those affected often feel at the mercy of others and see little possibility of changing the situation.
Some of the consequences of migraine include:
Some of the consequences of migraine include:
- Severe restrictions in everyday life - sufferers are often absent for days at a time.
- The increasing stress caused by migraine can manifest itself in private and professional life: psychosocial, somatic and economic consequences.
- Problems in the professional environment up to difficulties in career and relationships.
- Significant behavioral changes due to avoidance behavior for fear of triggering a migraine attack.
- Increased risk due to "self-therapy or self-medication" - risk of taking painkillers too often, which in turn can cause headaches.
- Depression and anxiety disorders may result.
- Insecurity and despair, as sufferers are sometimes not taken seriously in social and professional life.
Migraine and secondary conditions
Migraine can bring further secondary conditions, especially on a psychological level: Anxiety, dejection and also depressive mood can develop due to the restrictive situation, from which many sufferers suffer considerably. The increased risk due to "self-therapy or self-medication" should also be mentioned here. Because too frequent use of painkillers, can increase the frequency of headaches - a vicious circle is created!
Migraine hypnosis treatment
How hypnotherapy Berlin helps with migraine and headaches
The effect of hypnosis starts at three different points. It starts with relaxation. Your mind becomes calm, your body relaxes and pain that was highlighted by tense muscles subsides. At the same time you manage to control your emotions better, you become calmer. You still feel the pain, but you don't charge it as much with negative energy, such as anger or fear. This reduces the intensity. The messenger substances in the brain that are responsible for transmitting the pain impulse are released to a lesser extent, so the headache also physically subsides. This leads to the third mode of action of hypnosis, the realization that pain can be controlled. This is a breakthrough experience that makes you feel calmer and more at ease with the disease. It leads to the fact that you no longer feel so helpless and at the mercy of the disease. A realization that will not only reduce your migraine attacks, but will also be very useful to you in other areas of your life.
Medical hypnotherapy for migraine
Migraine is a seizure disorder that affects the whole person at all times. Even if the painful attacks occur only two or three times a year, the fear of them still paralyzes 365 days a year. In hypnosis, sufferers regain control over their lives. They learn how to relax and get a deep understanding of the connections between emotion and pain. At the same time, hypnosis gives you the opportunity to become familiar with the triggers of the disease. In this way, you can break down old conditioning and overcome pain-triggering, often unconscious, triggers. Hypnosis helps you to take your life into your own hands many times over and, bit by bit, to conquer an everyday life without headaches or migraines.
More Information
Hypnosis Appointment Booking
The first hypnosis session usually lasts 120 minutes and includes getting to know each other, a detailed anamnesis and your first hypnosis.
After booking an appointment in the online calendar, you will receive detailed information about your hypnosis session by email and will receive the hypnosis e-book free of charge when you book the first session. Follow-up appointments usually last 90 - 120 minutes, depending on the current situation and the resulting needs.
You can find detailed information about the prices under Hypnosis Prices.
After booking an appointment in the online calendar, you will receive detailed information about your hypnosis session by email and will receive the hypnosis e-book free of charge when you book the first session. Follow-up appointments usually last 90 - 120 minutes, depending on the current situation and the resulting needs.
You can find detailed information about the prices under Hypnosis Prices.
Smaller topics and issues can sometimes be solved in one session. In particular, hypnosis for smoking cessation takes place in one intensive session. More complex issues that accompany people longer are treated in four sessions on average. Hypnotherapy is to be understood as a short therapy. There are also exceptions where I support clients over several years at their express request.
Usually clients come for a follow-up appointment at an interval of 1 to 4 weeks. I have had very good experiences with a session interval of 1 to 2 weeks. I would like to emphasize here that in my experience this depends on the topic and the client.
Under the following link you can select and book your appointment yourself in the online calendar: Make an Appointment.
You will receive an invoice for each session. This does NOT show any fee codes of the GebüH and does not contain any diagnoses. The session is to be paid privately at the end of the session in cash or with EC card. The practice does NOT bill public and private insurances.
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