Hypnosis Berlin
Frequently Asked Questions About Hypnosis
Here you will find answers to your questions about the effects of hypnosis, treatment procedures and general information on modern hypnosis and medical hypnotherapy.
Here we answer the most frequently asked questions about modern hypnosis and medical hypnotherapy. Learn more about the process of hypnosis, reasons that speak for hypnosis and reasons it might not be right for you. Through hypnosis, deep-seated blockages can be released. At the same time, hypnosis helps to achieve more self-control, self-efficacy and clarity in life. On this page you will find answers to many of the most common questions.
Is an initial worsening possible with hypnosis?
The hypnosis should always be gently discharged, this happens entirely at your pace. Shortly after, you will still not be fully "back", but will still be in a light trance state. You can think of this as a kind of transitional threshold between hypnosis and being awake. Afterwards, we will discuss together how you are feeling and what you experienced during hypnosis. You will not simply be dismissed without a word after the hypnosis. In the days that follow, it is likely that images and emoti...
What is the interval between two hypnosis sessions?
About the interval between two hypnosis sessions at Hypnose Berlin:
Many people wonder how long the distance between hypnosis sessions should be. Whether there is a fixed distance between two hypnosis sessions and whether it is possible to say what time interval between two sessions is particularly effective. Exactly how much distance there should be between two hypnosis sessions depends on the client and their treatment background. Usually there is a break of one to four weeks between two s...
How can I tell if I was in trance?
Many people who have experienced hypnosis and trance describe the state as one that is similar to the feeling just before falling asleep or just after awakening. Trance is experienced as a kind of in-between state - between sleep and wakefulness. During hypnosis, the hypnotic trance, there are changes in perception, feelings, thoughts and physical sensations. Usually you will also feel deep relaxation, which already provides indirect treatment for issues related to stress and tension. Besides...
How do you wake up from hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a pleasant state. Again and again we experience in practice that this trance state is experienced so pleasantly that clients would prefer to stay in it longer than shorter. But even a hypnosis session eventually comes to an end. In this article you will learn how to awaken from hypnosis again.
Awakening from hypnosis
First of all, it is important to know that you will wake up from hypnosis in any case. The fear of getting stuck in it comes from the nature of the ignorant and, of...
Are there side effects with hypnosis?
Main side effects of hypnosis are deep inner peace and relaxation
Yes, hypnosis has side effects. These are mostly positive. When hypnosis is executed unprofessionally or in an entertainment setting, unwanted side effects can occur. Hypnosis works, and in order for it to work, it will affect your body and mind. In these effects we distinguish between desired effects of our clients and unwanted side effects, which we will discuss in more detail below
Hypnosis side effects are usually extreme...
What if I don’t wake up from hypnosis?
Is it possible to stop waking up from hypnosis?
It has not happened yet that a person has not woken up from hypnosis or remained in trance. So it is not possible for a person to stay in hypnosis. The worst thing that could happen in hypnosis - even if a hypnotist were to walk out of the room and leave the client in the room in hypnosis - the worst thing that could happen would be the following: 1. the client "wakes up" again. or 2. The client sinks deeper in the trance and into a light s...
Do I lose control during hypnosis?
Fear of losing control: Do I lose control through hypnosis?
For centuries people have been using the healing effect of hypnosis and at least as long they have been afraid of it. And that's no wonder. After all, hypnosis is a powerful tool.
Fear of being will-less and at the mercy of others: Does Hypnosis Really Make You Will-less?
Do people lose their control under hypnosis and become docile tools in the hands of unscrupulous hypnotists? A look at how hypnosis works helps us better assess ...
Hypnosis when taking medication?
Hypnosis when taking medication
Many wonder - I’m currently on medication, are there any contraindications with hypnosis? In most cases, hypnosis can be performed without hesitation despite taking medication. However, this can not be said in general, a few pieces of information are important.
What medications are you taking?
How long have you been taking them?
In what dosage are you taking them?
Do I reveal secrets during hypnosis that I didn’t want to tell?
People in hypnosis decide for themselves what to say or not to say
Hypnosis to this day has a magical and mysterious image that is still maintained by many mentions in movies and on television through show hypnosis. In it, people are shown to lose control over themselves and what they say, and thus are at the mercy of the hypnotist's will. You can rest assured. In a serious and professional hypnosis practice like we have been running for many years, our concern is different: we work with peo...
Can I remember everything after my hypnosis session?
Subconscious Memories
As a rule, hypnotized people can remember everything after hypnosis and there is no memory loss (amnesia). It often happens that people even remember more things that they may have previously repressed or not stored on a conscious level and therefore simply forgotten. This is because hypnosis allows access to the subconscious mind and can reveal memories that one is not always aware of. You can think of it this way: We are confronted with a multitude of impressions ever...
Does hypnosis cause changes in the body?
It is scientifically confirmed that hypnosis works
It has been scientifically proven that hypnosis can bring about changes in our bodies and influence processes. There are numerous medical examples of this, such as warming the temperature of the skin when imagining heat, or even aiding in the healing process of cancer through positive suggestions. Each thought of a person causes a physical reaction that can really be proven. Therefore, hypnosis has a great effectiveness especially in psychos...
Is it possible to get stuck or trapped in hypnosis?
Fear of not waking up from hypnosis again
For many people, the fear of not waking up from hypnosis resonates. This is also understandable, because even today hypnosis is something mystical and intangible for many people. There are horror stories that the hypnotist can't get you out of hypnosis, that you have to stay in a trance for the rest of your life and walk around as if remote-controlled or even fall into a kind of hypnotic coma. But is such a thing really possible? No, you don't have t...
Is hypnosis the same as manipulation?
Hypnosis Berlin as a path to inner truth
A legitimate question! We go to the bottom of the question once further and can first of all assure: A very clear no! Hypnosis is not manipulation! We know that it is currently popular especially in hypnosis circles to equate the work with hypnosis with manipulation - to then point out that hypnotherapy is in no way more manipulative than any other form of interpersonal. So the statement is a good way to get attention at first and as such is just as...
Can anyone be hypnotized?
Can everyone be hypnotized?
Generally, every person with healthy cognitive functioning can be hypnotized. What is important is good preparation for the session and willingness to engage in hypnosis. In terms of statistics, it can be said that only about 2 percent of people do not respond to hypnosis
Who is not hypnotizable?
People suffering from dementia (such as Alzheimer's disease), heart failure and acute psychotic states should not be hypnotized. What most people do not know is that e...
Do health insurance companies cover the cost of hypnotherapy?
Well informed in advance of the hypnosis session
Effective and good cooperation with each of our clients is very important to us. Therefore, it is important for us that each client is well informed about hypnosis, hypnotherapy, costs and procedure in our practice. And for us, this naturally includes the general conditions of our cooperation. You will therefore receive our Hypnosis E-Book with interesting and extensive information as a gift from us and learn everything you should know before ...
Can hypnosis change someone's personality?
The effect of hypnosis on personality
It is a fair question to what extent hypnosis can change a person's personality. After all, hypnosis is still considered mysterious to many people today. Hypnosis cannot make someone a completely new person and what a person has experienced and learned up to that point in their life. Although the desire to be able to press the reset button once and then start over is understandable, hypnosis and hypnotherapy are not intended to overwrite or reprogram a pe...
What are the advantages of Hypnosis Berlin?
These are the advantages of hypnotherapy at our Hypnosis Berlin Practice
The advantages of hypnosis are numerous. The onset of change processes, autonomy, self-actualization, letting go of blockages and fears, and personal development are especially close to our hearts. We hope that you will discover the benefits of hypnosis at our practice for yourself. Our goal is to provide you with effective, intensive hypnotherapy, individually tailored to your needs. It is not without reason that hypn...
How fast does hypnosis show its effects?
How quickly does hypnosis show an effect?
Hypnosis refers to communicating with the unconscious parts of the human being. For this communication to be possible, the client must first be in a hypnotic trance, so that the path to the subconscious is accessible and the suggestions can be implemented. The first part of the hypnotic effect is the trance state into which the client is led. With time, this can be achieved quite quickly and without much effort. In the beginning, the hypnotist usuall...
From what age is child hypnosis possible?
We are always asked the question from what age we start working with children in our hypnosis practice. There are certain characteristics that can be indications that hypnosis can be useful with a child.
How old should a child be for child hypnosis to be effective?
Hypnosis is primarily suitable for school children and adolescents. In our hypnosis practice we accept school children from the age of 9, in exceptional cases we also work with younger children. The extent to which hypnosis is su...
How does hypnosis affect the brainwaves during EEG?
Hypnosis and the EEG: How hypnosis affects the brainwaves EEG
The term "hypnosis" comes from the ancient Greek word "hýpnos", which means "sleep", and for a long time it had actually also been believed that the hypnotic trance was a form of sleep. But modern, scientific methods have exposed this as an error. Especially in the EEG, the differences between sleep, deep relaxation and hypnotic trance show up very clearly.
But how exactly does hypnosis work?
In fact, hypnosis decreases the leve...
How long do the effects of hypnosis last?
Can old patterns and behaviors reoccur?
Suggestions that continue to work after hypnosis are called posthypnotic suggestions. These do not necessarily require a refresher and can continue to work for years after hypnosis. With other behavior patterns, it is again the case that you need to consolidate over a longer period of time and need a refresher every now and then. This depends on the person, your problem and issue, and the individual effect of hypnosis. Also, personal inner resistance a...
Is behavioral change possible with hypnosis?
Can I completely change my behavior and habits with hypnotherapy?
Whether you smoke or drink too much, whether you bottle up your frustration so it comes out at your hips, or whether you bite your fingernails and scratch your skin bloody from nervousness, everyone has certain habits and patterns of behavior. The bad thing is, the longer they last, the harder they sometimes are to overcome.
Get rid of unloved behavior patterns
Hypnosis helps to live a happy life! In addition to bad habits, ...
How effective is hypnosis and are the effects long-lasting?
Is hypnosis effective in the long term or do the old behavior patterns come back?
Hypnosis is a highly effective treatment method that usually provides initial results very quickly. No wonder questions arise here about how long this desired hypnosis result lasts. Well, the answers will amaze you. Let's start with the effectiveness of hypnosis.
Hypnosis Berlin is so effective
"When nothing else helps, hypnosis helps." On this formula a colleague brought it and in a way he is right. This is ...
How do I enter hypnotic trance?
Unleash your potential
If you decide to give hypnosis a chance, you have also decided that something should improve or even fundamentally change in your life. Congratulations! In a hypnotic state you can unleash your full potential and use it. But what exactly does that mean? There is a lot of talk about one's potential, about personal development, about the best version you want to make of yourself. Often all these common slogans create more pressure than creativity. And the feeling of not ...
How many hypnosis sessions do I need?
Our goal is to provide you with an efficient and compact hypnotherapy. Often we are asked how many sessions it is in a hypnosis treatment: In modern hypnotherapy it is intensive sessions and short-term therapy. The number of sessions varies depending on the client and the case, that is, concerns that someone brings. So our work and approach is also quite individual and personally based on a person's needs. What we can say is that changes are noticeable after just a few sessions. The number of...
What does hypnosis feel like?
A question that moves many people. Hypnosis is still a mystery for many people. As familiar as this natural state is to us, many people have just as much respect for it. Therefore, we are asked again and again, how this state can be described during a hypnosis session most likely.
Hypnosis and trance - this is how it feels to be hypnotized
Most likely, hypnosis or trance can be compared to the state just before falling asleep and just after waking up. A kind of dozing off or daydreaming in ...
How exactly does hypnosis work?
Hypnosis scientifically proven through studies
For centuries, people have been using the healing effects of hypnosis. What began as a belief has been proven in our modern times by a number of studies, such as the "Expertise for the Assessment of the Scientific Evidence of the Psychotherapy Procedure Hypnotherapy" by Prof. Dr. Dirk Revenstorf on behalf of the Milton Erickson Society for Clinical Hypnosis (MEG) and the German Society for Hypnosis (DGH) in 2003.
But how exactly does hypnosis w...
Is hypnosis dangerous for children?
The subconscious mind in children
Children have very good access to your subconscious mind
Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation in which the client's subconscious mind becomes accessible. It is precisely in this area that unpleasant experiences, for example, solidify into fears. Since children have very good access to the imagery of the subconscious mind, there are many possibilities for treatment. And so hypnosis with children is anything but dangerous. Quite the contrary. hypnot...
What happens during hypnosis?
During hypnosis
Most people can relate to the term hypnosis. However, very few people know exactly what happens during hypnosis. In any case, it is nothing to be afraid of. Every hypnosis in a reputable hypnosis practice begins with a detailed preliminary conversation, in which questions are answered, the concern is discussed and together with the hypnotherapist the goals and expectations of the hypnotherapy are defined. This preparation for the hypnosis is important so that the hypnosis can...
What is the difference between hypnosis and meditation?
Is hypnosis like meditation? Is meditation like hypnosis - we reveal the difference
To answer this question, it is first important to understand the concept of meditation. The word comes from the Latin "meditatio", which means something like reflection, contemplation. And this is exactly where the misunderstandings begin. While in the Christian context "meditation" often has to do with prayer or inner contemplation, i.e. always with the word and the thought, meditation in the Far Eastern con...
How safe is hypnosis? Is hypnosis dangerous?
During hypnosis, people are anything but will-less
In short, you are in an absolutely safe state during the entire hypnosis. People in trance are in a deep state of relaxation with the highest level of concentration at the same time. In this state, people would notice it immediately if, for example, a fire broke out or the hypnotherapist left the room. Thus hypnosis is not dangerous.
The subconscious as a safety instance
In us humans, there is also an instance that permanently watches over...
What if I don’t want to be hypnotized?
If someone does not want to be hypnotized, hypnosis will not work
And that is also good! Hypnosis does not make you will-less, but empowers you to regain more control over your life. For a self-determined and self-effective life, therefore, hypnosis strengthens your own will more than hypnosis does something that is not your will. If someone has a negative attitude towards hypnosis, no hypnotist in the world can hypnotize them against their will. It is important that there is a relationship...
How does hypnosis work for children and teenagers?
The hypnosis session for children runs by and large exactly the same as a hypnosis session with adults. However, there is a difference lies in the initial interview, which is conducted together with the parents and the child. In addition, the hypnosis itself is adapted to your child's age and needs. This conversation has several functions. First of all, it is a get-to-know-you conversation. Then you describe the problems, for the reasons of which you have found your way to our practice. The c...
What can I expect during a hypnosis session?
Each hypnosis session is a highly individual process, so each session differs in content. We are guided by this, based entirely on your needs, your concerns, and the goals you have brought to the session.
The first hypnosis session
During the first hypnosis session in my practice, we will first get to know each other, followed by a thorough medical history and finally your individual hypnosis will take place. The anamnesis is similar to a preliminary conversation, in which it is about your ...
Am I asleep or completely unconscious during hypnosis?
Do sleep and unconsciousness have anything to do with hypnosis?
Hypnotists are often asked whether one is asleep or even unconscious during hypnosis. Many people still think that hypnosis is a kind of anesthesia and when you wake up again, all problems and worries are spirited away. This is not so. On the one hand it is a pity, because it sounds good that all problems dissolve in your sleep. But actually it is good news that in hypnosis you are not will-less or unconscious. On the contrary, ...
What is hypnosis?
Hypnosis definition - hypnosis is a sleep-like state
The term hypnosis comes from the Greek word "hypnos", which means "sleep". Here already begin the first misunderstandings in the field of hypnosis. Because it is by no means sleep, at most a sleep-like state. Hypnosis is a kind of intermediate state - between being awake and sleep: hypnosis is much more related to the state between waking and sleeping with the meditative trance.
The main characteristics of hypnosis
The most important cha...
How long does a hypnosis session last?
The initial session lasts 120 minutes and includes getting to know each other, a detailed medical history and the first hypnosis. The hypnosis is individualized and completely personalized to you. Well-trained hypnotherapists can focus entirely on you and your needs. Follow-up sessions usually last 90 - 120 min. Each client reacts individually during hypnosis, so the exact duration of a hypnosis cannot be planned in terms of time. Please expect that hypnosis session times may vary and that so...
What is possible with hypnosis and hypnotherapy?
Hypnosis enables a wide field of action
Hypnosis does not work the same way for everyone and can achieve amazing results. You too have been hypnotized at one time or another without possibly realizing it or having a hypnotherapist present. Imagine you are sitting on a train listening to the monotonous sounds of wheels or watching the scenery pass you by. You are engrossed in an exciting book or listening fascinated to the sounds of a piece of music. During all these events you are already in...
Which is better - one-to-one hypnosis or group hypnosis?
In group hypnosis, several participants are led into trance at the same time and the same suggestions are transmitted to them. This type of hypnosis is offered by some practices in connection with a desired smoking cessation or weight loss. The size of a group can vary from under 10 to as many as 50 participants. A group session usually lasts as long as an individual session.
The advantages of hypnosis in the group
Participants who have never been through hypnosis before may find it reassur...
Can hypnosis relieve pain?
How hypnosis helps with pain: the effect of hypnosis in pain therapy
Already in ancient Egypt, hypnosis was used in pain therapy and also during operations. It was the first effective anesthetic and is still used today for minor operations and dental treatment. The success of hypnosis in chronic pain is particularly great. This is especially due to the fact that hypnosis detaches the sensation, in this case pain, from the emotion. This reduces the fear of pain and its intensity. In addition,...
Will my child be manipulated during hypnosis?
No! Hypnosis is as little or as much a manipulative form of therapy as psychotherapy, a visit to the pediatrician or school. Accordingly, your child will not be manipulated at our practice. Instead, hypnotherapy is about working with your child to develop alternative strategies. This is always done within your child's value system. Furthermore, and this is another common fear, people in hypnotic trance are by no means "gone" or lose their control. In other words, both children and adults are...
Can hypnosis cure psychosomatic complaints?
In the case of physical complaints, it is generally recommended to clarify possible physical causes with the attending physician. If these have been ruled out and the complaints persist, psychological issues may be at the root of the problem. It is relatively common that no physical cause can be found behind a physical complaint: This means as much as that medicine, with the current state of research and knowledge, does not know the cause. A disease or illness that arises from the person hims...
Are there reasons against hypnosis?
What are the arguments against hypnosis?
There are only a few reasons that speak against hypnosis. However, these should be taken into account. As with any therapeutic treatment method, there are also so-called contraindications with hypnosis: These are reasons that speak against a hypnosis session. The following points describe contraindications and possible limitations of hypnosis:
Difficulty in understanding speech due to confusion or mental impairment, brain orga...
How does behavior typically change after hypnosis?
Big changes after hypnosis?
Directly after hypnosis you may not yet feel so much or perceive great changes. This is because the suggestions also have a posthypnotic effect and only settle into the subconscious for the next few days. Some clients think that they have not been hypnotized at all and that hypnosis has not worked for them. But give yourself some time, hypnosis is a long-term affair.
How you feel after hypnosis
Exactly how you will feel after hypnosis is a subjective matter. Som...
How can I positively influence the success of hypnosis?
Hypnosis is an interaction of several factors. In any case, it does not work that you just lie there motionless and let yourself be hypnotized. This method requires your cooperation and there are several things you can contribute to the success of hypnosis. The prerequisite for an optimal hypnosis result is that you feel in yourself a willingness to change. You alone must stand behind your goal and desire for change. It is of no use if other people expect this from you and push you to do so, ...
Can I drive after hypnosis?
Driving a car possible directly after hypnosis?
Justifiably, many people wonder if you can still drive after hypnosis. This is probably because hypnosis is still something we associate with being away with a feeling of no longer being with oneself. But this is not the case. On the contrary, during hypnosis you are completely with yourself. You are concentrated and focused on inner worlds of experience and experience a state reminiscent of dreaming, while you can follow the voice of the hypnot...
When does hypnosis not work?
Doing hypnosis for someone else
For hypnosis treatment to be successful, it is important that the person who wants to be hypnotized also wants the change themselves. Studies show that the success of hypnosis is lower when a client has been "sent" to the practice. For example, if a woman sends her partner to a hypnosis practice for stop smoking or for weight loss. Conversely, this means: If someone is fully behind the desire for change and is willing to take the next steps and use hypnosis f...
What does my child experience during hypnosis?
How does hypnosis feel with children?
During hypnosis, your child experiences mainly pleasant feelings. Some children feel as if they are dreaming. It feels like they are there on one side as well as somewhere else entirely. Hypnosis is not sleep, so your child is not asleep, but he/she is concentrating on my words, which he/she is implementing internally. The focus is on a creative inner experience. The conception of time, space and the feeling for one's own body can change temporarily. Usu...
What happens during the first hypnosis session?
Hypnosis appointment - from anamnesis, goal to hypnosis
Before the hypnosis begins, the anamnesis takes place. This conversation is about your wishes and together we define an objective for the hypnosis session. In addition, you will be informed in detail about the application and the method and open questions about hypnosis and medical hypnotherapy can be answered.
The first hypnosis
Following this, you will experience your first hypnosis. During hypnosis you are in a pleasant deep relaxa...
In what kinds of cases might hypnosis not work?
Conducive and hindering reasons for hypnosis
First of all, one thing up front: every person is hypnotizable in principle. This means that every mentally and physically healthy person brings with him the conditions he needs to fall into hypnotic trance. Nevertheless, there are people who find it harder and easier to enter this form of trance. What is the reason for this?
The relationship between hypnosis therapist and client is important for hypnosis
In many cases, it is first of all not th...
How do I make a hypnosis appointment?
Make an appointment
You can easily book an appointment, it's very quick: You can find all available appointments at a glance in the online appointment calendar. You can easily choose one yourself and book it directly. It's child's play - choose an appointment that suits you best.
Hypnosis Berlin - Make an Appointment Online
Sometimes it can be helpful to clarify open questions during a preliminary telephone conversation before you make a hypnosis appointment. You can book a hypnosi...
Can you be hypnotized with a strong or controlled will?
Does a strong will interfere with hypnosis?
In fact, anyone can be hypnotized, this is because the hypnotic trance is a state of the brain that we know anyway. For example, when we are on the threshold of being awake and asleep, such as falling asleep or waking up. Daydreaming is also a form of hypnosis, as is focusing on something, for example when reading or driving.
For hypnosis there does not have to be a weak will
It is easy to conclude that only people with a weak will can be hypnoti...
How can I pay for the hypnosis session?
How to pay for your hypnosis session
You can easily pay for your hypnosis session at the end of the session in cash or with EC card. If you would like to pay by credit card, this is also possible plus a service fee of € 10. Immediately after the hypnosis session, you will receive the invoice for your appointment by e-mail. Be prepared for the fact that hypnosis sessions can take different lengths of time, as each person reacts differently in the trance. Therefore, do not schedule another app...
Do I have to believe in hypnosis for hypnosis to work?
For hypnosis to work, the client should at least engage in it. A strong inner defensiveness against hypnosis can make it difficult to go into trance at all or more deeply. Hypnosis might then have no effect. However, a healthy skepticism is not a problem. Hypnosis is a rather unconventional subject for many people, despite thousands of years of use in various cultures. Although the effect of hypnosis could be scientifically proven in the meantime and hypnotherapy found more and more recogniti...
Am I being manipulated during hypnosis?
Manipulation during hypnosis?
Hypnosis therapists hear this question very often, usually hiding behind it uncertainty, which is quite justified. Hypnosis still has to fight with the image that it makes people will-less, can elicit deepest secrets from them and even tempts them to do things that would otherwise be unthinkable. The moral sense is switched off and the client is manipulated, with this image hypnosis still fights. This is supported by various films as well as possible performance...
What symptoms can I expect after hypnosis?
After hypnosis people experience different feelings
Symptoms may vary depending on the topic and concern of the hypnosis treatment. If you are unsure, talk to your trusted hypnotherapist. Below you can read how people describe the feeling after hypnosis - how people can feel after hypnosis:
Being agitated
Feeling sad and crying
How many sessions of hypnosis for anxiety?
Hypnosis is considered very efficient for the treatment of all kinds of anxiety. This is also proven by many scientific studies. It does not matter what kind of fear it is. Both certain phobias such as fear of flying or agoraphobia, as well as generalized anxiety disorder or fear of the future can be treated with the help of hypnosis. Anxiety patients understandably want hypnosis to help them get their fears or phobias under control in just a few sessions. However, every person is different a...
What if I am afraid of hypnosis?
It is quite natural that unfamiliar undertakings make us feel a bit insecure. If you have never participated in hypnosis before, you may worry a lot. For example, some people fear a loss of control. However, you can rest easy here, because under hypnosis you will not lose control at any time. Even though the feeling in trance feels very relaxed, you remain internally focused. Nothing can happen against your will and you won't say anything you want to keep secret.
Decision for hypnosis
If you ...
Can I retrieve memories through hypnosis?
With hypnosis, it is also possible to regain access to memories that were thought to be lost. Just because we can no longer consciously remember an experience does not mean that we have forgotten it forever. Sometimes we don't need a memory for a long time or we suppress it for a certain reason. These memories can no longer be recalled consciously. However, it continues to reside in the subconscious mind.
The subconscious memory
That there is a conscious and a subconscious memory system has...
I am nervous and have a hard time relaxing, can I still be hypnotized?
The good news is that hypnosis works for most people. Only a fraction are considered non-suggestible. It is also quite normal to be nervous before hypnosis. This is how many clients feel when they come to the practice for the first time. However, it is precisely nervousness and tension that can be treated with the help of hypnosis. There are many ways to help a client relax and finally enter hypnosis. In our practice, an appropriate atmosphere is created already in the waiting area.
A relaxe...
What is the subconscious mind?
It is now considered proven that a subconscious exists. Even things that are not consciously perceived can measurably influence brain activity. You can think of the subconscious as something like the hard drive on a computer. Our consciousness itself is like the working memory. Another popular image to represent the conscious and subconscious mind is that of an iceberg in the ocean. The small tip on the surface is the consciousness, the massive underbelly is the subconscious.
The subconsciou...
Can hypnosis help even if I am already receiving psychotherapeutic treatment?
Hypnotherapy as a complement to psychotherapy
In principle, it is recommended that a patient should not undergo two psychotherapies at once. This is because he would then not be able to engage intensively with a therapist or a therapy process and it would simply overtax him. That would be this typical "dancing on two weddings". He would work in both therapies, but not fully engage in both. What happens very often, however, is that a second therapy is done immediately afterwards. This can hav...
How can I prepare for the hypnosis treatment?
How can I influence the success of the hypnosis treatment?
Hypnosis and the change through it is an interaction of several factors. Many people assume that they experience hypnosis passively, but it takes more than a passive attitude in which, the hypnotist would otherwise have complete control. And that can never be the goal of hypnosis. More than that, hypnosis requires some form of cooperation and there are several things that you can contribute to the success of hypnosis. The prerequisit...
What do tears mean during hypnosis?
Tears support the process in hypnosis
The ability to cry is innate. It is a primal human trait, just like laughter. When tears flow, it is for communication. When we cry, we signal to those around us that we are at a loss, in pain, and in need of help and compassion. Tears are supposed to trigger supportive behavior in our fellow human beings. Animals also have this ability, for example by making distress calls. However, only humans can cry for emotional reasons. If we are sad, something mov...
Is hypnosis performed sitting, standing or lying down?
In what physical position is hypnosis actually performed?
Have you ever wondered in which physical position hypnosis is actually performed? This is a legitimate question, because there are different recommendations here. Many people and also hypnosis therapists automatically assume that hypnosis takes place while lying down. Sitting in a comfortable armchair is also still conceivable. But hypnosis while standing? First and foremost, it is important that value is placed on a feel-good atmosph...
Is a light or deep trance better for hypnosis?
How does a light or deep trance affect the course of a hypnosis treatment?
There are different states of trance or trance depths. These range from a pleasant state of relaxation to deep sleep or a so-called hypnotic coma. For some, but very few, therapeutic interventions, a very deep trance can be beneficial. This is because it makes it easier to achieve the goal to be reached. But this is, as I said, rather the exception. As a rule, even light trance states are sufficient for successful hyp...
What can I do after hypnosis?
Tips for the time after hypnosis
Here you get tips and recommendations for the time after hypnosis. Learn here how you can make the most of the time after hypnosis. When you get back home from your hypnosis session, the first thing you should do is get some rest. It may be that you are a little tired or completely clear and alert. Let everything really work first and avoid strenuous activities and rushing around. Give the suggestions time to take effect. Your brain is now busy storing and i...
Can success with hypnosis be guaranteed?
Hypnosis works successfully in many applications
A multitude of scientific studies prove that hypnosis works. It has long since ceased to be exotic or mystical and is already being used in a clinical context. Their field of application is also becoming increasingly broad, whether physical or psychosomatic complaints, anxiety, stress, obstetrics or dental treatment, very much can be treated with hypnosis supportive. Especially in the case of pain, anxiety and stress, hypnosis is considered hi...
How does an online hypnosis session work?
Flexible with online hypnosis
In today's digital world, it's easier than ever to access therapeutic support - and that includes hypnosis. Online hypnosis sessions offer a flexible and convenient way to engage in profound change processes from the comfort of your own home. You may be wondering how online hypnosis works, what you need technically and whether there are any differences to an in-person session. In this article you will find all the important information.
What happens if there are technical problems during online hypnosis?
Advantages of online hypnosis
Online hypnosis offers many advantages, such as flexibility and convenience. However, even in the best technical environment, there can occasionally be disruptions, be it due to disconnections or audio problems. This is nothing to worry about, as we have clear procedures in place to deal with such situations and will do our best to ensure your session runs smoothly. In this article, we explain how we deal with technical interruptions and what you can do in such ...
Comparison: Is online hypnosis just as effective as in-practice hypnosis?
Hypnosis - online or in practice?
The question of whether online hypnosis is just as effective as an in-person session is one that concerns many people interested in hypnosis. In fact, online hypnosis can be just as effective as a session in a practice. Our many years of experience show that the hypnotic effect does not depend exclusively on the physical space. More important seems to be the quality of the hypnosis, the willingness of the client to engage in hypnosis. It is of great importan...
What can I learn about myself through hypnosis?
Every hypnosis session is a personal journey of discovery. Every experience with hypnosis is unique and is customised specifically and individually for you. Even long-forgotten memories can come to light during a session, giving you deeper insights into your own psyche. These moments of self-encounter can be revealing and give you the opportunity for deep healing.
Before the hypnosis session,...
What are the benefits of online hypnosis?
Hypnosis with the online bonus
Online hypnosis has proven to be an extremely flexible and practical method of helping people achieve their goals without the restrictions associated with face-to-face appointments at a local practice. In this article, I will show you the benefits of online hypnosis and why it is an excellent alternative to in-practice hypnosis for many clients.
Online hypnosis saves time and offers flexibility.
One of the biggest advantages of online hypnosis is the time it sav...
How do I prepare for an online hypnosis session?
Flexible with online hypnosis
In today's digital world, it's easier than ever to access therapeutic support - and that includes hypnosis. Online hypnosis sessions offer a flexible and convenient way to engage in profound change processes from the comfort of your own home. You may be wondering how online hypnosis works, what you need technically and whether there are any differences to an in-person session. In this article you will find all the important information.
Hypnosis Berlin
By Mina
Self-test - Am I hypnotizable?
Test yourself!
Find out how well you can be hypnotized and take the self-test on your own hypnotizability (suggestibility) and answer 14 questions shortly.
Bin ich hypnotisierbar?
You can find more information about hypnosis and our hypnotherapy sessions in the FAQ section and more specifics about the hypnotherapy procedure here.