Hypnosis Berlin
Latest Press Release
Berlin, August 28, 2021 - Hypnose Berlin gets reinforcement: From the, 01 September 2021 Mina Ghahremani is there for you as a native English speaker. For this we have made a special effort for you, with the start of her work at our practice, our website is now also available in English. In numerous hours of work all contributions were translated for you bit by bit and offer now also so important information about the exciting method hypnosis in English. Because we want to connect and share our knowledge from years of practical experience. Mina supports from now on people in English language with change processes hypnosystemIsch. She thus complements our work with English hypnosis treatments.
"Hypnosis is a wonderful thing - through the infinite potential of your own imagination, we dive into a world of sensory experiences, visualizations and the subconscious, where you will discover that anything is possible and yet you are always safe. Hypnosis Berlin is a place where you can arrive, relax and release all the powers of your own being." - Hypnotherapist Mina Ghahremani.
She works here with years of experience of our practical work with hypnosis, from which so many people have already benefited. Change is possible! With ease and in an elegant way, hypnosis is still the method of choice for us, as it awakens in a comparably short time all the resources in a person that he needs to take the next step for himself in the desired direction. We are very pleased that with our proven method we can also reach people for whom English is more familiar than German. This is because language plays an important role, especially in hypnosis: a familiar melody, singsong as they say, and familiar words awaken a certain feeling. This makes people more trusting and open to words when working with the subconscious in hypnosis.
"Hypnosis is a wonderful thing - through the infinite potential of your own imagination, we dive into a world of sensory experiences, visualizations and the subconscious, where you will discover that anything is possible and yet you are always safe. Hypnosis Berlin is a place where you can arrive, relax and release all the powers of your own being." - Hypnotherapist Mina Ghahremani.
She works here with years of experience of our practical work with hypnosis, from which so many people have already benefited. Change is possible! With ease and in an elegant way, hypnosis is still the method of choice for us, as it awakens in a comparably short time all the resources in a person that he needs to take the next step for himself in the desired direction. We are very pleased that with our proven method we can also reach people for whom English is more familiar than German. This is because language plays an important role, especially in hypnosis: a familiar melody, singsong as they say, and familiar words awaken a certain feeling. This makes people more trusting and open to words when working with the subconscious in hypnosis.
Here writes Hypnosis Berlin
Publications in Press and Media

Publication at hafawo.at
September 2019

Publication at ratgeber-lifestyle.de
July 2019

Publication at jameda.de
May 2018
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