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Hypnosis Berlin

Hypnosis for Trauma
Letting go of Traumatic Experiences

Trauma is defined as a threatening experience that lies outside the usual range of human experience. On the one hand, there are the great misfortunes of mankind such as war, natural and other catastrophes, but also very personal, individual human experiences such as violence and especially sexual violence, a sudden death, accidents and much more.
Hypnosis for Trauma - Letting go of Traumatic Experiences
Image: Hypnosis for Trauma - Letting go of Traumatic Experiences

Trauma symptoms

How to recognize trauma and PTSD

Trauma, also called post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), is a reaction to a very stressful event or situation of extraordinary threat or catastrophic magnitude occurring. Trauma is not very easy or clear to diagnose, as the boundaries between other disorders are often blurred, as with depression or anxiety disorders. Symptoms appear up to 6 months after the event.

Trauma manifests itself in people through different symptoms and reactions on a physical and psychological level:

Physical Symptoms
Trauma is based on one or more stressful events. There are physical symptoms such as sweaty hands, racing heart, palpitations, blood pressure rises, trembling, tension, dizziness, panic attacks, strong tension in the body, overexcitement and nervousness, sleep problems and loss of appetite. Affected people try to avoid situations that remind them of the trauma.
Psychological Symptoms
Psychologically, trauma is manifested by feelings of insecurity, mood swings, irritability, feelings and outbursts of anger, jumpiness, hypersensitivity, difficulty concentrating.
Affected individuals repeatedly describe a debilitating feeling to this effect:
Feelings of helplessness, despair, depressed mood and anxiety. General flattening of feelings and interests that once meant something to one. Affected individuals sometimes have little to no recollection of the event, while others suffer from flashbacks, memories of the experience that keep coming back (reverberations).

Hypnosis for traumatic experiences

Hypnotherapy as an effective tool in modern trauma therapy - Almost everyone experiences traumatic events in the course of their lives, but sometimes the trauma is so horrific and expansive that it completely dominates your life.

Trauma self test

Am I affected by trauma or PTSD?

The following questions may be initial clues to whether you are suffering from trauma:
  • 1

    Do you experience yourself as jumpy or on what feels like constant alert?
  • 2

    Do you experience any of the following symptoms: mood swings, angry outbursts, trouble sleeping, panic attacks, rapid heartbeat, tension?
  • 3

    Do you feel like even sleep doesn't give you the energy you need and you feel exhausted or powerless?
  • 4

    Do you also experience moments of intense anxiety suddenly as if out of the blue?
  • 5

    Do you feel like you are withdrawing or avoiding family and friends?
  • 6

    Do you find it difficult to feel joy in the things that once meant something to you?
  • 7

    Do you have difficulty remembering aspects of the traumatic event or are you plagued by flashbacks (reverberations)?
If you can answer yes to one or more of these questions and feel restricted in your daily life, you should seek medical or therapeutic advice. You may be experiencing trauma. Please note that questions are always asked broadly, so it is possible that people who are not affected by trauma may receive a positive result. Not everyone who cannot remember an event suffers from trauma - post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD.

Trauma facts

What happens in the brain of a traumatized person

Traumatic experiences overwhelm our brain; they cannot be processed normally or considered separately. These unexamined experiences remain inseparable from feelings, smells, sounds and many other impressions. A particular sound, smell, or sensation instantly brings the event back to the person's consciousness. The threatening situation is felt again and experienced in a way as if it were happening right in the "here and now." Other experiences are so terrible that they are deposited "unseen", so to speak, in the amygdala - a fear center in our brain. There they take effect without the conscious mind even having a clue as to what exactly triggered the fear or panic attack.

Trauma causes

Causes of PTSD and trauma

Traumas are triggering experiences or events that would presumably, viewed purely objectively, cause psychological distress to many people. Events that can trigger trauma include serious accidents, experiences of violence, experiences of abuse, natural disasters, or experiences of war; they can also be threatening situations that persist over a long period of time. People who receive little social support during the time of stress are more at risk for developing post-traumatic stress disorder. Another risk factor is a pre-existing mental illness. In any case, it can be said that post-traumatic stress disorder can have very different, individual causes.

As different as the causes are, there are a number of commonalities that underlie every traumatic experience:
  • A traumatic experience is life-threatening or perceived as life-threatening.
  • It is inextricably linked with the feeling of powerlessness - in addition, there is loss of control.
  • Traumatic experiences are always associated with severe physical and/or psychological pain.
  • If traumatic experiences are not dealt with, they deepen over time. They are wounds that do not heal if left untreated.
  • Examples can be: serious accidents, experiences of violence, experiences of abuse, natural disasters or war experiences, it can also be threatening situations that exist over a long period of time.
People suffering from trauma have experienced that their world can be completely different from one moment to the next. They have experienced their powerlessness in the face of other people's fate or violence. This is a difficult situation in life, but one that holds great opportunity. If you overcome your trauma with the help of Hypnosis Berlin, then you have not only become stronger for life. Above all, you have gained a piece of life wisdom that helps you make the better, healthier choices for more joy and energy in life.

Trauma consequences

What consequences can trauma have?

The longer post-traumatic stress disorder persists and remains untreated, the greater the suffering of those affected. Confidence and hope diminish, and those affected feel helpless and completely at the mercy of others.

The consequences of living with trauma include:
  • Those affected find themselves in a vicious circle of hopelessness and despair.
  • Increasing difficulties arise in private and professional life: psychosocial, somatic and economic consequences.
  • Problems in the professional environment due to increasing inability to pay attention or to concentrate - up to loss of work.
  • Avoidance behavior and social and emotional withdrawal from friendships and relationships, relationships may change.
  • Suicide risk increases.
  • Increased risk from "self-therapy or self-medication" and ingestion from alcohol and/or drugs.
  • Affected describe forms of somatization, physical symptoms such as pain with no physical cause.
  • Risk of also developing depression or anxiety disorders.

Trauma, PTSD and secondary conditions

Trauma can cause serious long-term physical, psychological and psychosocial problems. When everything that was dear to one seems to become worthless, the social environment breaks apart due to one's own withdrawal, and the loss of one's job is on the line due to a lack of performance or the ability to concentrate, the suffering pressure of those affected becomes very high. It is not uncommon for those affected by trauma to also experience depression, anxiety disorders, psychosomatic complaints and, in the worst case, to be at risk of suicide.

Trauma hypnosis treatment

How hypnotherapy works for trauma

Hypnotherapy is one of the most effective methods within trauma therapy and for good reason. Because hypnosis Berlin works where the traumatic experience has also found its place, in your subconscious.
Already at the beginning of the treatment hypnosis Berlin affects your inner well-being. You calm down, heartbeat and blood pressure normalize, your attention and concentration increases. Now you have the opportunity to experience your own reactions with some distance. The next step is to identify the triggers of your trauma experience and make them "harmless", so to speak. Hypnotherapy has a number of ways to do this. With the help of involuntary signal systems, such as the twitching of a finger, a direct and indirect communication with your unconscious is created, through which so-called "silent knowledge" is retrieved and a contact with your inner "protector" is established. Now you are also ready to accept the actual traumatic memory into your consciousness. Now you have the possibility to look at the trauma with your conscious mind, to separate the impressions from the emotions and to evaluate and process the experience accordingly.

More Information

Hypnosis Appointment Booking

The first hypnosis session usually lasts 120 minutes and includes getting to know each other, a detailed anamnesis and your first hypnosis.
After booking an appointment in the online calendar, you will receive detailed information about your hypnosis session by email and will receive the hypnosis e-book free of charge when you book the first session. Follow-up appointments usually last 90 - 120 minutes, depending on the current situation and the resulting needs.
You can find detailed information about the prices under Hypnosis Prices.
Smaller topics and issues can sometimes be solved in one session. In particular, hypnosis for smoking cessation takes place in one intensive session. More complex issues that accompany people longer are treated in four sessions on average. Hypnotherapy is to be understood as a short therapy. There are also exceptions where I support clients over several years at their express request.
Usually clients come for a follow-up appointment at an interval of 1 to 4 weeks. I have had very good experiences with a session interval of 1 to 2 weeks. I would like to emphasize here that in my experience this depends on the topic and the client.
Under the following link you can select and book your appointment yourself in the online calendar: Make an Appointment.
You will receive an invoice for each session. This does NOT show any fee codes of the GebüH and does not contain any diagnoses. The session is to be paid privately at the end of the session in cash or with EC card. The practice does NOT bill public and private insurances.
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